Taldryan Consul Report 3-6-04
Hey everyone, its going to be a short report today because Im writing it on Saturday and most of the DC hasnt put our their reports yet. The reason Im doing this is because my spring break started yesterday, and tomorrow (Sunday) Ill be leaving for a week of vacation. No Im not going anywhere warm, but I wont have my computer with me. I will have email access, and Im going to try to finish off all my ACC battles for the Sith War, but I wont be on IRC at all (tear tear). I will be back next Sunday the 14th, so I expect all of you to be good and listen to Proconsul Sharad (but not Quaestor Shadow) while Im gone!
DB News
-The Third Sith War is underway! This event is open to ALL orders, not just the Sith. There are single and multiplayer events for XvT, XWA, and Allegiance, as well as writing and graphics events! Since the Sith in Taldryan number very few, it is up to the entire Clan to participate in whichever events they can so that we can do well! Clans that do the best will be awarded new Starfighters as possessions, we WANT those fighters to add to our fleet, so lets kick some butt in this competitions! So go check it out, the website can be found here:
All submissions are due Saturday, March 13th! Taldryan is currently in 3rd place, lets kick it up a bit!
-I wont be back from vacation until the competition is over, so consider this my motivation for the entire week ? KICK SOME ASS!...that is all.
-The GM, DGM, and LCH are taking applications for the position of Combat Master of the Antei Combat Center. If you think youre up to it, send in your application by 11:59pm EST tonight! (Saturday)
-Mav has announced some specific times when you will be able to find Allegiance games, here is the list:
We'll be running Allegiance games daily in #DBallegiance. As sometimes its hard to get a match together, the group of us have put out a rough schedule for when people should gather in the channel to play matches...
On Weekdays:3pm EST, 6 pm EST, 10 pm EST. Meet in #DBallegiance or on the server(the IP is posted in the channel). Games may not always run at these times, but we'll do our best to get them going.
On Saturday: Games essentially going all day, starting immediately after the DB meeting and continuing through the day. Show up around 2-2:30 pm EST in #DBallegiance for the first match, and we'll be playing games every couple hours after that.
On Sunday: First game will start around 3 pm EST, and we'll keep playing throughout the day as players want to play.
-The OHC and LCH are working on getting an inter-club Capture the Flag (CTF) league going for both JO and JA. Teams will be formed from the entire DB to play in this. If you want to participate, email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] along with the names of any other members you wish to play with on a team, and I will forward your request along.
-For any of you who havent heard, the newest game that is catching on quick in the DB is Allegiance. Its a mixture of a flight sim and a real time strategy game, and is really fun. The best part of all is that its free! Just go to www.freeallegiance.com and download it, along with the newest patch and SOVLogin and youll be ready to play!
-The Inter-phyle competition has ended, the killers will be revealed soon.
-The Krath Monthly Topics for February are The Interrogation and Dark Deal, see djb.org for details.
-The ACC is running smoothly!! To go check it out and get started on participation, go to http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/. Im a member, so if you join you will be able
to fight me!!
Weekly Multiplayer Competitions
Members of ALL orders are welcome at all of these weekly Multiplayer competitions, and you are welcome to play ANY game platform sanctioned by the Brotherhood (i.e. JK, JO, JA, XvT, XWA, and SWGB). Cluster of Fire medals will be given out for every 1 victory or 3 losses, and the player with the most wins for each event also receives a Crescent! These events are great ways of staying active while honing your skills and earning medals all at the same time!!
-Moonelfs Quest in #gmrg on Mondays from 3-8pm EST
-Tuesday Showdown in #gmrg from 2-10pm EST
-Thursday Night Bash in #gmrg from 6-10pm EST
-Battle of Antei in #sith on Fridays from 10am-5pm EST
-Interclub Training Event (ICTE) on Saturdays at 4pm in #Outerrim
-Space Jam in #sith on Sundays from 1-5pm EST
-For more news you know where to go, the Main DB News page, found at:
Taldryan News
-If you havent done so yet, go to the Clan Taldryan website and login to complete the first round of voting for the Tallys, Clan Taldryans very own member-voted awards! Go vote!
-Malaricarun placed 2nd in the KMT for February, good job!
-Since the inter-club Capture the Flag league is coming up, all the guys in Taldryan who play JO have been practicing whenever we can. So if you want to practice with us, come into #dinaari and see if were playing!
-The Traditions and Praise Ektrosis house competitions for Ektrosis are still going, their deadlines are March 7th. Ive only gotten a few submissions so far (3 I think), so I want to see a lot more! Learn about your houses history! Ektrosis is one of the most celebrated Houses in the Brotherhood, you should all know why that is!
-The Taldryan JO server is still up and running! The IP Address is, and the Password is Talpwnz, get out there and play!
-All Medals, Promotions, and Transfers can be found in Proconsul Sharads weekly report
-If you ever need to see an old Consul report, all of mine are up on djb.org!
Thats all for this week, as always if you have any questions/comments/just want to talk, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just go onto IRC, Im logged on quite often!
Dark Brotherhood http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
Clan Taldryan - http://www.taldryan.org
Antei Combat Center http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/
Message Boards - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/message_board/
Shadow Academy - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/index.html
Dark Side Compendium - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/dsc/index.html
Summit Members
CON Kir Taldrya Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
PCON Pimp Sharad Taldrya Hett ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari QUA Pimp Shadow Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari AED Pimp Crix Uberman Madine ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis QUA Malaricarun ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis AED Dark Sabre ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Cohors Praetoria Taldryan Dark Sabre and Thor
In Darkness,
KE Kir Taldrya Katarn (Krath)/CON/Clan Taldryan [GMRG: SVP] [ACC: PF] [KSOE: KCE]
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