Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Yeah I know I skipped the report last week so kill me :-P So this time around I will just have to make this report twice as boring as usual. Well there is alot going on right now but not a whole lot for me to add to. The Sith War is still going strong and I would love to see everyone take part in it. If you have any question on how you can take part just reply to this email, if you have any questions feel free to just reply to this mail and ask me. The new Krath monthly competitions are out so go to the comps page and take a look at them. There are also a few comps run by yours truly to take a look at. If you have problems finding the comps just let me know. Also be on the look out for the Clan wide comp that will be poping up in the near future BF vs Rekio it ought to make for a nice fight.

On to Medals and course I would love to see a bit more here but you folks did pretty good :-) There will be more next week as soon as I put a few folks in for medals they earned by winning one of my comps. I am also begining to take advantage of the Letters of Comendation so if you folks come up with some pieces of fiction be it writing, poems, or pics send it out :-)

Kinght Camile

Krath Core (Completed: 3/7/2004)

Krath Grammar Studies (Completed: 2/24/2004)

Krath Poetry (Completed: 2/22/2004)

Awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star

Two Letters of Comendation for some nice pieces of fiction


Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star


Letter of Comendation for some nice pieces of fiction

Competitions rather then list them all you can go here and take a look, if you have any questions just let me know. Also keep in mind that you can challenge members of the other clans to battles in the ACC just pick the Sith War hall and help Tarentum with the thing.

Well I am going to keep this report light this week I am sure you all have plenty to do. Plus you can always take a look at Anshars and Sithies reports for even more info. One last thing I would like everyone to respond to the email with something so I know you are still alive, if I don't even hear from you I will have to consider you AWOL.

"The Darkness has come, and there will be no dawn"

KP Spears (Krath)/P:HM-TET/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: L]



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