Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report


Greetings, all!

Some cool things happening since the last report, let's get started:

  • Krath Priest Rhaub D'ar Aghasett was awarded the Crescent with Ruby Star for participation in the second placed run-on for the Inter-phyle murder mystery competition. He also has passed the General Studies: Leadership with a score of 100%. Congrats, sir!

  • Jedi Hunter Kschamehellan was awarded the Crescent with Ruby Star for participation in the second placed run-on for the Inter-phyle murder mystery competition. Awesome job, sir!

  • I was awarded the Crescent with Ruby Star for participation in the second placed run-on for the Inter-phyle murder mystery competition. Yay!

  • Guardian Yun was also awarded the Crescent with Ruby Star for participation in the second placed run-on for the Inter-phyle murder mystery competition. Congrats!

  • Protector Issard Jokaat is still running hot. He has completed the HTML Basics course, and was promoted to Guardian for fulfilling all of the promotional requirements for Guardian. In addition, he was awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star for coming in second place in "DC Maybe" inter-house competition. Outstanding job, Guardian!

  • Protector RevengeX was promoted to Guardian! This was due to the outstanding quality of the work being done for the House, and filling the criteria for promotion to Guardian. He has also completed the HTML Basics course. Awesome work, Guardian!

  • Acolyte Lance Syrden has passed the Krath Core and IRC Channel Operator. Congrats, Lance!

  • Acolyte Anubis was awarded the Crescent with Ruby Star for participation in the second placed run-on for the Inter-phyle murder mystery competition. Awesome job!

  • Apprentice Magiere has just transferred into the House from the Rouges. Welcome, Apprentice!

  • Apprentice Icro Kloo has also transferred in from the Rouges to the House. Welcome, welcome!

Non-roster related stuff:

  • Master/Student Program. Still a lot of stuff being tossed around to improve the program, I hope to get an updated document done sometime by the end of the month. This depends on a lot of other things, though.

  • HAD/CSP Traditions Project. Almost at a dead stop right now, I want to get the M/S Program streamlined again. That work is never done!

Well, that's about it for now. As I remember things, I'll make sure to write them down for the next report. Thank you for your time, and remember: If you don't write it down, it never happened! :D

Guardian Jordan McCall, OathMaster, House Acclivis Draco.

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