Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Dark Greetings Ya¡¦ll ;)

Ok dudes another great week has passed (WOOT) and (OUCH) . Well Goat screwed up at some point and the Sith War score reports will be delayed a bit so guess we¡¦ll have to wait . Ok another bad news is that half of our Battle Team is gone :/ So that¡¦s not too good :/ . Anyways great week in ICTE :) Ok now the greatest news of them all :D We have a Jo server (WooT :D) .The IP is (don¡¦t hit it cause you¡¦ll hit me ! :P) pass : YMCA . Well now that we have a server , we will need a site for it . And remember this week is the trial week :) so the server might be mucking up :( Sorry . If you see me on just bark at me like : Hey stooped turn off your XXX downloads and give us the bandwidth ;) . Well this is it for this week :) cya next week .

Promos : Nothing yet ƒ¼

Medals : ICTE medals on their way :D

Roster :

Obelisk Trooper Zekk Templar

Obelisk Trooper Scorpio_Sith Guardian

Obelisk Trooper Shiva Protector

Obelisk Trooper windos matrix Protector

Obelisk Trooper im2ez4u Acolyte

So there are 6 of us (including me in the battle team :( )

                                                                   Sincerely ,  

                                                                      Your BoF Sergeant ,  

                                                                         2265 OT X-Pilot out .  

OT X-Pilot (Obelisk)/SGT/Cestus of Tarentum [ACC: L]



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