Sorry for the delay! It was the gremlins, little jedi gremlins in teeny robes with cute little ity bity sabers mucking up my junk i.e. ftp issues :p
-Roster holding at 3 shy of a baker's dozen...
-The DG homepage is under construction and online at:
-HISTORY page is IN! w/ a wee bit'a graphic illusration - "Palpatine and the Dragon Guard"
-Roster and Char. Profile of J. McKell Updated to Reflect Rank Elevation
McKell is a Hunter of Jedi. Ph33r him! Congrats to the OM, it was well-deserved.
pHyLe CoMpS!
-The Greatest DG Motto Comp of Allll Tiiiiime!!!
Ok, ya'll'r not submitting to my comp :P I've got 1 (one) submission...from our Aedile...who's not even in the phyle...Kudos and thanx to Ksch :)
To the rest of you! Submit! It's fun, 1st of all. HUGE big fun. Not just big, HUGE big. B, it's an eeeasy way to get a medal and HUGE big points on the TET'o'METER towards promo recs and whatnot. And 3, uh, we really need a motto. And the entry can be half a page, if you don't feel like writing much. Just Submit Something! You have 7 Days To...
Create the Dragon Guard motto, with a 1-2 pg. story explaining the motto's significance and how the motto came into being.
1st place: Cr-1E
2nd place: Cr-1T
3rd place: Cr-1Q
Start date: 3/01
End date: 3/31
Sumbit to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
-What's your Past? Comp:
GRD RevengeX walked slowly into the room with many Krath Tyros following him into the meeting hall of the Dragon Guard. The Tetrarch sat at the head. All the tyros sat silently into their seat. Only RevengeX was standing.
"My fellow Tyros of the Dragon Guard Battleteam, I wish to know your past, from as far back you can remember to your first day in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood."
There was some muttering and then silence.
"That is all."
The meeting started.
Start Date: 3/12/2004
End Date: 4/12/2004
Awards: Crescents
Submit to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
-March KMTs
Dialogue: 'The interrogation' - an interchange of dialogue
Submit to Alanna [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Story: 'Dark Deal' - not shorter than 3 pages
Submit to Tiss [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Closing date for both is the 31st March.
The stench of Dragon Guard sweat has the power to kill if inhaled or mixed in a cocktail.
Find out all about DG grooimg habits and other fun facts at the NEW DG HISTORY PAGE, conveniently located just down I95 and off the Mara Jade Mall Exit at:
The HAD homepage is under construction and online at:
Roster Page / Profiles Databank - Added:
-RevengeX's Character Pic
-Unteminar's Sabers Images
-McKell's Rank Elevation Updated
Archives Page - Added:
-1 additional entry from Jordan McKell
Links Pages - Added:
-DB page, w/ graphic link and description
-Krath Order page, w/ graphic link and description
-CSP page, w/ graphic (no link) and description
-DSC page, w/ graphic link and description
-SA page, w/ graphic link and description
For the Guard,
`Tetrarch Aghasett
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