1st: Jaron Kai, CSP
2nd: Khaen, CSP
3rd: Dalthid, CSK
2.What planet is Mace Windu from?
Answer: Erberius
3.Who is the most powerful Dark Jedi of all time?
Answer:Norius Havok
4.Who is Darth Rage?
Answer: Darth Rage became Darth Sidious' new apprentice after Darth Maul died in Episode 1
5.What species is Darth Rage?
Answer: Rage was a Toban (also accepted cyborg, half-human half-robot)
6.Who was the first Jedi Knight?
Answer: Kaja Sinis
7.Why did Luke call Owen Lars his "uncle"?
Answer:Anakin's mother married Owens' father, which made Anakin and Owen step-brothers
8.Who is Darth Imperius?
Answer:Darth Imperius' apprentice was Sidious/Palpatine, who betrayed and murdered his master
9.What midi-chlorian count is necessary to become a Jedi?
Answer: A minimum midi-chlorian count of 7,000 is required before becoming a Jedi
10.What is a wookiee's native planet?
Answer: Kashyyyk
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Several wrong answers.... Mace Windu was born on Coruscant according to official SW sources and a book I have. Rages was half HUMAN and half robot according to 2 internet sources I found.
I really think you should crosscheck your answers! This, the Dark Jedi Twin thingy and the swords thingy mark 4 questions that had various answer possibilities.
Ara, you should know well that conplains should be send to GM and not discussed this way over the DB site. It's not helpful and it only gives the wrong impression to our new members or member-wannabe. You have been in the DC too long to have forgot that.
someone just delete this comments-feature...
ROTFL Khan...
I did mail Mairin the first time, never got an asnwer. FF? He would direct me to Mairin. So.... this comment function was made to comment, hence I do. In all my time in the DC I've never resolved to not answering mails if something went wrong. I was usually trying to make people as happy as I could (not saying Mai doesn't try btw, I know how busy she is). You of all people should know that I did try other roads before.
And seriously, our new members will laugh about your post more than worry about mine I bet :)
The answers that I used were given by quite a number of people. There's always going to be questions I could ask on which there would be a great deal of variance, and I have tried to allow for that where I could, but I can't do it for every question or I'd be here all year.
You might however adjust scores if someone sends you a link to a valid alternate answer on a reliable site. Obviously the answers to the questions you use are from the web somewhere and as much as I know, some of these questions have never been canonically answered, just through semiofficial sources.
I'm not asking to adjust the first three in these cases, just to credit the one correct answer to those who have a valid alternate.
Just a thought.