<head> <title>CoG Report</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head>
No report last week...late report this week. So yeah...sorry about that :P Been busy/lazy at various times during the past two weeks, but I've gotten my second (or tenth wind) again, with lots of new ideas both from myself and others around the DB. Woo!
*Grand Masters Royal Guard: *
The GMRG JO tourney is in full swing, with the semi-finals currently on. Just waiting on a few matches before the finals can start, so I'll be bugging those participants about it glares :P Other than that, I've received a proposal for a new sub-section to the GMRG. This proposal has been brought to my attention before, but now I'm actually going to look into the fesability of it. Also, the end of the month approaches, so I'll be looking to see who needs a kick in the ass if they wish to stay in the GMRG :P
All information on both the guard and guilds can be found in the Dark Side Compendium. Everything is currently up-to-date, so please go here to find out more.
Interclub CTF League
Not sure where this is...but there may be a chance of doing something similar inter-DB
DB Training
I have had a bit of response for trainers last week, but haven't followed up this week. If no more people volunteer, I'll hunt down those I want to be trainers, and make them agree :P
I have received a proposal for...well...a different type of guild. I hope to have it introduced by my next report, if not sooner.
Diablo 2 - [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (Up and running)
Freelancer - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Galactic Conquest - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
I GREATLY apologize for anyone who has tried to play a game at this week's XWA WoW. I just now signed us up, since I had forgotten to earlier (the XWA admin usually posts WoW signups about a week before the actual event, while others do it a month prior). Anyways, everything should be good now, and for all the information, you can go here.
**Weekly Competitions:
** Things seem to have been a bit slow lately, but I hope things will pick up soon.
To make it easier for score tracking, please try and use the following report format if possible: Winners report - PLATFORM PIN#1 PLAYER#1 SCORE PIN#2 PLAYER#2 SCORE
Inter-Club Training Event
Time: Saturday at 4pm EST
Place: #outerrim
Host: Mav
Space Jam
Time: Sunday from 1-5pm EST
Place: #sith
Host: Rekio
Moonelf's Quest
Time: Monday from 3-8pm EST
Place: #gmrg
Host: Tissaya
Tuesday Showdown
Time: Tuesday form 2-10pm EST
Place: #gmrg
Host: Halcyon/Lenzar
Thursday Bash
Time: Thursday from 6-10pm EST
Place: #gmrg
Host: Arania
Comment: Only guns to be used in JK/JO/JA matches
Battle of Antei
Time: Friday from 10am-5pm EST
Place: #sith
Host: Lenzar
Other Stuff:
Lots of things to do...
Lyrics of the Week: (Last week's winner: N/A)
Won't give you money
I can't give you the sky
Your better off if you don't ask why
I'm not the reason that you go astray
And we'll be alright if you don't ask me stay
In darkness,
SO Halcyon Rokir Arconae(Sith)/COG/Dark Council [GMRG: CoG]
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