Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

    Dark Greetings all .  

    Another “fine” week has passed without any incidents (leaves / incomes) :P So everything seems normal . Activity’s good and I’m glad of that ;) . The greatest news of them all is the … no isn’t they’re giving away free lightsabers at some corner … it’s that we’re the second house of Cestus :D in the DB Woot ;) As some of you know we have placed on 2nd in Obelisk Rite of Supremacy . Great job everyone , specially to Scorpio_Sith . Well I want to tell you about the new thingie with the Easter / Western  Battle team transfer thingie . Well I’m sure it’s a great thingie , but weren’t people supposed to choose when they entered a house . If the member wants to stay in BoM , my opinion is that he/she should stay were he likes , because we can’t make people stay in BoM if they want in BoF and vice versa . Well if you want to comment about this feel free to send in a comment ;) . Anyways we’re still waiting for the detailed score of the Sith War but I can tell that WE WON :D By 184 points ahead ;) . Ok dudes no time to sleep now let’s get ready for the independence games  . Who wants to volunteer for hit the Ronin head piniada or whatever that Mexican thingie is called ;)  . Well that’s all for this week , lots of medals awarded too :D .  

Promos : Nothing yet :(

Medals : Quite a lot won Scopio_Sith ;) like 15 CFs (SHARE !!!)

           I got 3 in this week’s ICTE ;)   

Remember that for 5 SA Courses passed you will hey 1 DC :P So get moving !

Now the grand roster :

Obelisk Trooper Zekk Templar

Obelisk Trooper Scorpio_Sith Guardian

Obelisk Trooper Shiva Protector

Obelisk Trooper windos matrix Protector

Obelisk Trooper im2ez4u Acolyte

Well still 5 but I’m sure there’ll be more of us .

And remember , JO Server : pass : ymca ;)

                                                                       Sincerely ,  

                                                                         Your BoF Sergeant ,  

                                                                           2265 OT X-Pilot out .  

OT X-Pilot (Obelisk)/SGT/Cestus of Tarentum [ACC: L]



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