High time to quickly throw a report at all of you:
First is substantial movement at the course creation front.
1) Completed: A massive Sith CORE rewrite (essentially a new course, folks) with great history. Co-authored by Malik Sadow and the SHW, Xanos Zorrixor. Great work (and congrats on the SB, Goat)!
2) As good as complete: Fiction Writing I. Arania is putting some finishing touches on this.
3) Completed and waiting: Fiction Writing II. This just can't exist without #1, sorry Vail.
4) Almost done, needs a little reworking: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) by Arion
Second: Would you believe 1,476 courses passed since I got HM ? That's 5.10 courses per day. Quite a lot for this club. 87.45% of all courses were passed (this quick-stat includes accidental blank submissions, so the actual failure rate is still a bit lower)
Third: Independence games... they're coming. I'm gonna have a little competition for you in advance - I need a nice flashy banner. Anything goes as long as it fits on a black background page, has fireworks and the text "Independence Games 2004 - A Dark Jedi Olympiad". Check this competition listing for the exact details (awards subject to Jac Approval<sup>TM</sup>)
Fourth: You've seen that 5.10, let's make that 7.00 in the next half year :)
Fifth: Sorry for that net failure. Anyone who has a "do more courses and get rewarded" activity running in their Houses, please give your folks an extra day to compensate. Thanks :)
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