Well everybody's heard about the bird...
GoA Business
The HRLD site is still down for some reason, which means people can't access the form. Send the info:
Name, Rank, Order, Field Color, and Motto
along with the image you want as your charge to Mejas Doto.
Remember only 162 px square MAX for charge images.
Failure to provide a charge image results in 'fuzzy kitten' charge.
Failure to provide a motto results in "I have no original thoughts" as a motto.
Black as a field color MUST have a secondary color for border. Without a second color we'll use the order color.
Jandos Phyleus Kalinor #2778
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Could I please ask that ALL Grant of Arms Requsts also include your dossier number. It saves me a lot of time and keeps me sane if you include it WITH the request.
DJM Mejas Doto
Preator to the Herald