Wow, this is an early report. It isn't even 10:00, yet. Stupid 8:00 exams.
Shimas was promoted to NOV eventually, after the site got back up. Well done.
I-Games- Kaiann is offering some really nice awards, depending on submission levels. Add that to the crescents you can win, plus the Gladius Award and there's a good chance you'll get at least something. Besides, I will find out who has submitted what and we will go from there to determine if you get an award or not (beyond what you hopefully have won already crescent wise). I like to reward people- give me a reason to do so.
Mystics- Due to some Real Life stuff, Spears has had to step down as TET of the Mystics, at least for the time being. I have appointed KAP Jason Hunter as TEt for the time being. Jason has the skills and knowledge for the job and I have confidence that he do well.
Competitions- The I-games are ongoing, followed by a GJW. And then a clan competition. When will I get to run my House competition? In short, there is plnety of stuff coming up, so have fun.
Big Congrats- go to Jac for getting engaged and Telona on getting married soon. It seems like a lot of folks are getting into the game these days: Telona, Jac, Khan Kunar, my friend Linda (who was in the DB, now in the EHDB- any jokes/comments about this and I will string you up by random body parts).
So, Gladius will have an official betting pool to place bets on who gets married/engaged next. All bets go to me.
Finally, I need some help- No, not that kind of help. However, I would like to hear from the following people: Zephret, Sauron, Dragon, and Homura. I will be trying to get in touch with you, but I haven't heard much from you lately. Also, anyone who knows Homura's real e-mail (or a IM or IRC name), please let me know. The e-mail listed on the DB site does not work and I don't want to boot him if I don't have to.
In darkness,
KE Anshar Kahn
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