Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

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Dark Greetings Brothers,

I’m your SGT Dessan, I am here to help you. I will be brief in this report, but I will have a more detailed report later. I want to make our battle team the best it can be, I know that at this time its only three members, but hopefully we will get more members as HPG gains people.

Now at this time I would like us to at least compete in one of the IG events there are many to pick from so I’m sure that each of us can find something.

Also I have our battle team web site up (I need to update it) please check it out at darkrenegade.darkjedibrotherhood.com

Also I would like everyone to get on IRC more (it is a good way to show activity) If you need a copy of mIRC you can get it at www.mirc.com It’s a really good program.

If you need anything just let me know. I am willing to help in anyway I can.

May the darkness guide you,

** <span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:Arial; color:#0066FF">JH Dessan (Obelisk)/SGT/<span style="font-weight:normal">Primus Goluud</span> of <span style="font-weight:normal">Naga Sadow</span> </span> <span style="font-size:7.5pt;font-family:Arial;color:#FFCC66">[GMRG: GDM]</span><span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:#0066FF"> </span><span style="font-size:7.5pt;font-family:Arial;color:#FFCC66">[ACC: INI]</span>**<span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:Arial">

</span>**<span style="font-size:7.5pt;font-family:Arial"> Cr-1T


Battle Team Roster: 3 Members,

Team roster,

JH Dessan

DJK <span class="MsoHyperlink"> <span style="font-family: Times New Roman; color: windowtext">Lillie Hawke</span></span>

<span class="MsoHyperlink"> <span style="font-family: Times New Roman; color: windowtext"> JH Vicious</span></span>

<span style="font-size:7.5pt;font-family:Arial"> </span>

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