Greetings again, Tarentum, it's time again for more up-to-date news, and other such nonsense from me, from the DB, and pretty much whatever I find to be interesting. Are you ready for it?
First off, I'm calling for volunteers. Basically, I think the game Allegiance has gone understressed lately, and I'd like to push forward with it, and make an effort to show people, yep, we should take advantage of it. It was made an official DB platform, and then... went nowhere. I'm not sure if there's just no interest, or that it needs more pushing, but anyone, Krath, Obelisk or Sith who can, and will download a free game, and wants to take part in learning it, and flying for the fun and honor of Tarentum, please, drop me an email. As it is, we have some great players who did marvelous in the Sith War with Allegiance, and I really think this could be an opportunity for people to step up, and for some of us to try something new.
Secondly, I'd really like for people to take an active interest in helping us close Anshar's run-on. I might have to call on Anshar, or myself, to write up a bit of a climax, and have people right the aftermath of the events that have culminated thus far, but it really has been a great run-on. I'd like to thank Anshar for running that, and I thought it turned out well. However, we're still not done, and I'd like to get this run-on a good close, so that it can be added to the great run-ons we've had in the past. If nothing else, Gladius has always been known for run-ons, and this is another good example of why.
We've had a returning, Tarentum. Though he was gone for many months, he has been in our hearts, and we have been in his. Ziguarath was, like many other brave soldiers, deployed to the middle east due to the conflict there. He served his term, and has been returned to friends and family, and I, for one am glad to have him back. I know the Clan extends our fellowship to Zig upon his return; Zig has been in Tarentum a long time, and we wouldn't be the same without him. Welcome home, my friend.
Also, we have a new recruit to mention. Apprentice Pi has joined the ranks of the Sith in Tridens, and I'm sure that everyone joins with me in saying, welcome to Tarentum, Pi. We look forward to having a good time with you, and I'd like for yout o get in touch with me, when you have a moment. I'll probably be emailing you shortly after I finish the report. :)
I'm almost done with the Ritae, all. If you're not sure what that is, it's a project of mine, that I've been working on for a while. I figured, there had to be things we did fictionally, that were not only ceremonial, but that served a purpose. Whether that purpose was to boast morale, strengthen each other, or merely to act as celebration, we'd still have our own ways of doing it. The Ritae were created to reflect that. I based them off of Ritae used by the Sabbat in Vampire: The Masquerade, because a lot of what they do in that game seems to fit with us. I'll be releasing that all as soon as I can.
As part of it, we've been doing titles and land grants within Tarentum. Though the titles themselves are extended to those people, and their heirs, not to be taken away except under grievous circumstances, the land grants are theirs only for as long as they can hold them. When I have released the details of the Ritae, I will also open formal challenge, as the Ritus of Challenge is part in parcel with that project. For now, get ready; if you have the skill, and desire, you will be able to challenge one of the land holders for their grant, and Rekio will be releasing others, as he sees fit. I have charged Rekio with overseeing and administering titles and grants, and if you continue to be active, and prove your honor, you may just be lucky enough to receive one of these. More details coming soon.
I'd also like to extend a special word of appreciation, if I could. Rekio and I have talked with Licah, and Licah has offered his services in coding up a new site for Tarentum. I've contracted Master Mejas Doto, Consul of Arcona to create a site layout, and once it is finished, Licah will be able to code a new site at his leisure. I appreciate Licah's willingness, and I look forward to the great work he'll do for us. For those who aren't aware of Licah's abilities, check out for a gander at what he can do. Tarentum loves Licah. :)
Work progresses on the Clan and Order powers, as I've been finishing some other touches that Jac wanted done. When completed, people will have the option of learning powers specific to each Clan; Tarentum possesses the ominous powers of Necromantics, and for those of you dedicated enough, you can, and will be touched by these dark arts. In addition, Order schools will be possible, so you may earn the opportunity to add on to the powers you earn normally through rank. It takes dedication, and time, but it can be rewarding. I'd like to do everything I can to make sure everyone has an opportunity at partaking of these new abilities.
The work on the new DB site continues; for those of you who haven't yet heard, the DB is currently undergoing a major revamp of the website, and its abilities. Some things still remain indisclosed, but others have been announced to us. One of the biggest ones will be the Prestige system, which will impart currency, and the ability to use it to members, as well as to Clans as a whole. The Prestige system will allow you to earn money based on rank and position, and also give you options on how to spend that money, whether buying supplies, weapons, ships, etc. The full details of the syetm have yet to be disclosed, but we merely await the finishing of the website for this, and many other projects to come to bear. It's not always easy to be patient, but there are a great many things planned, and we have some great people working on the website for our benefit. Jac, CyberGuy, JaM3z and Grand Master Emeritus Thedek all have my gratitude, and I believe they have yours, as well. The continue to work hard for this to be completed as fast as possible, but most importantly, as efficient as possible.
Rekio and I have begun finalizing some details for our Clan competition; with the IG coming to a close on the 17th, and the Great Jedi War beginning immediately thereafter, the Clan comp will be delayed until the summer, but that's ok. The Great Jedi War is where the real honor lies, and this is what we need to prepare for. The Great Jedi War is something that does not come often, but is a full-scale, DB-wide competition of the proportions that can make people into legends. You can earn not only medals, but prestige and perhaps promotions, and much more. We hit the last Sith War hard, and we won by a great margin; I'd like for everyone to prepare for the GJW, and let's all try and do our personal best, and make sure Tarentum is represented as it should be. Let's dominate the rest of the Clans, and show them that Tarentum will not be defeated.
I promise you all this--if you will all committ yourselves to being as active as possible for the GJW, and doing your part to help us win, I will reward each, and every one of you to the maximum I possibly can. The Great Jedi War is that important. But more importantly, it's all for fun, and this really is one of the best opportunities you can find towards having fun in the DB. I hope you'll all take advantage of it, and let us help you have fun, and be successful in this Clan.
I think I'll end that there. I hate it when I make these long, and dull, so I apologize if it was tedious, but we reached the end! :) I'd like to say, once again, it's an honor working with all of you, and I'm proud to stand as your Consul. This is the best Clan the DB has to offer, and you all are the best friends and Clansmen I could hope for. Let's rock this place, Tarentum.
-DA Sith Bloodfyre (Sith)/LHoJ-P:DGM-CON/Clan Tarentum
Grand Chamberlain of Tarentum
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