Well Kir and I have decided to get things back to normal now. I haven't done a report in like 2 months, so yea he'll be doing all the normal report items again. Then, I don't have to worry about you guys missing out on all the medals and promos and stuff. :P I know I know, you'll miss the weird screwed up stories I fabricated, but tough. :P Anyhow I'll be reporting on the projects I'm working on for my report from now on, so they'll be rather short (I tend to work on only a handful of things at a time).
I've been working a ton on the "new" Taldryan site (aka all new coding and some new features). The new poll system will hopefully be operational in the next week or so, so we can finally get a ship name for our new Corvette. After that I'll be trying to get everything done before I release any more new features, so don't expect anything else anytime soon.
Well apparently I'll be writing my character history from scratch for a project Kir is working on, so I figured I might as well get my own office. :P I'll be working some more on this when I get time. Right now I plan to include projects I'm working on, character history, and some other stuff to be determined. :P
Not much to say here except that Kir and I are working on some secretive projects together. :P I'll let him tell you when he's ready about these, but expect lots of cool stuff soon from us. :)
Ok that's it from me. Not used to short reports from me eh? Yea, I didn't think so. It's weird writing a report that doesn't take hours. :P Anyhow, until next time!
OPM Pimp Sharad Taldrya Hett (Obelisk)/P:OHC-PCON/Clan Taldryan [ACC: PF]/SB/GCx4/(SC)/(StA-LS)/DC-KC/(GNAg)/(SN)/(BNAg)/Cr-4D-2R-5A-3S-1T/CF-BlF-RF-GF/(LSAu)/DSS/SoLx2 {SA: G:LS-O:CORE}
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