Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Its introduction to the landscape was done with little fanfare. Floated into position on a repulsorlift sled early at sunrise, the creation that had taken shape within the Aedile's chambers was finally complete.

He had it set down gently, and then had its base fused with the stone landscape upon which it rested. It was now, and forever more, cemented into the legacy of House Qel-Droma.

He looked at it for a moment, watching its giant violet sphere begin its rotation, tuned precisely to that of the planet on which it existed. Its plaque read simply "Dark Orb." The two spires that stood sentry on either side were meant to symbolize Knowledge and Power respectively, but it was merely an artist's conceit; they were not marked in any particular way.

He stayed long enough to see the effect the spilling of the rising sun had on the piece, but soon he walked back inside the temple, now with an added sense of his own immortality, and that of his home.

P.S. Many thanks to my apprentice Isalka, for polishing my design and making it presentable. ;)

In darkness thrive,

~Archpriest Vassan Rokir~

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