


Yaarh! Mav Report Time! Yes, its a bit late, but meh... Whatever, I don't care. :P This week has been full of fun sarcasm, as two members of my family have had visits to the hospital for separate reasons. I've also had to watch my niece and nephew for several days, so I haven't gotten too much done, I fear... Look for more from me next week.

Lord Chamberlain's Report for the period of 4/24/04 to 4/30/04

-Interclub Training Event-

-Order of Battle-

-Capital Gains-

-Personal Possessions-

-Weekly Meetings-

<>Interclub Training Event

Last week, Taldryan dominated the ICTE for the second week in a row. This last weekend, Taldryan and Tarentum came down to the wire, but Taldryan managed to edge out Tarentum for the third straight week! After last week's lull, this week's ICTE will see 30 CF's given out... A fairly nice number, though I prefer giving more. :)

No one hit the required number to make the "ICTE All-Star" list, so Locust is still the only person on the list. Good job, Locust... but where is everyone else? ;)

<>Order of Battle

The Order of Battle has moved! Its now located at its very own subdomain of the site, at . Check it out! I've added a number of ships and made several requested changes. I've got a lot more to go in terms of getting the site completely updated with Capital Gains stories and the like, and a few ships are waiting on names. (To Consuls: Apologies if you told me the name and its not marked. If this is the case, please contact me, smack me, and tell me what you want the name to be. :P) More on the OoB and Capital Gains is below..

<>Capital Gains

All the results are in! Taldryan and Arcona were both awarded further modifications to their chosen ships, as well as two custom Corvettes. Scholae Palatinae and Exar Kun both were warded additional Gallofree Transports, in additional to further modifications to their ships which Tarentum also received for their M/BCRS. Congratulations to all participants! I'm going to be getting a subdomain for the OoB. Much of it was updated, but I still haven't added in Capital Gains stories. To those Clans which received new ships as part of Capital Gains, feel free to run competitions for backgrounds for those ships. I'll be working this week on getting the OoB updated as much as I can.

Its nice to see the fleets of the DB growing in time for the GJW... Should be fun. :) As I'm sure you've all noticed, we're a lot more keen on awarding possessions this year than we ever have been in the hisotry of the DB, so with that, let me lead into my next report issue...

<>Personal Possessions

Arania has asked me to make an announcement about personal possessions. As she is currently compiling a list of them for approval and the like (in preperation for Rebirth), I would like to ask all members that have personal artifacts and possesions to submit a description of the item and any effects to Arania. However, this does NOT mean the item is automatically approved and is now "official," but submitting it to Arania is part of the process. So get to it! This includes custom weapons used in the ACC.

<>Weekly Meetings

Theres a few things I want to say about trivia: The host is always right! Well... mostly. Anyway, do not paste what you saw on your screen to the channel if you didn't get a question if someone else got the question answer in before you on the host's computer. It won't do you any good. In fact, it'll probably only annoy the host. You don't want to do that, do you?

Now... I'd like to thank the couple folks who have submitted me weekly trivia. Its very helpful! Keep it coming! As usual, if you have announcements for the meeting, send me them, and I'll get them announced.

Adept Telaris "Mav" Cantor

Lord Chamberlain

DA Telaris "Mav" Cantor (Obelisk)/LCH-RHoJ/Dark Council [GMRG: PRT]

SL/ED/SB/GCx3/(SC-SoA)/ DC-KC-O/(GN)/(BNB)/Cr-2D-4R-1A-2S/ CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF/(LSS)

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