Transfering in we have ACO WarHunter_K and APP Psylocke, and APP Katus
Transfering out we have JH Morrigan L'Fey and ACO Jaina Bartel
Order changes: DJK M'Kel Kahn is now a Sith
Medals for this report:
<table border="1" bgcolor="0000FF"> <tr><td bgcolor="0000FF">APP DeViL 4</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="0000FF">ACO Jaina Bartel 1</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="0000FF">DJK Bane 6</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="0000FF">SWL Vessicant Seal of Loyalty (SoL)</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="0000FF">
ACO WarHunter_K
APP Psylocke
SA Courses
Psylocke General Studies: ICQ /IRC Basics / Obelisk Core
WarHunter_K IRC Basics / IRC Channel Operator / Obelisk Core / Leadership
M'Kel Kahn Sith Core
Katus Obelisk Core
In Darkness;
OE Waza Sunrider Satal (Obelisk)/RM-TRP/Kirleta of Satal Keto [ACC: INI] GCx2/(SC-SoP)/(StA)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(BN)/Cr-1S-3E/CF-BlF/SoL
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