Hey all. Yep, it's time again for a report from yours truly. :)
I'm going to make this one short, sweet, and to the point. At least, as much as I can. The independence Games are wrapping up tomorrow, and the Great Jedi War is slated to begin directly after (if all stays according to plan). Rekio and I didn't press the IG as much as other Clans, and I know some people couldn't understand that, but here's the reason--I believe the IG can be fun, and a good source of participation and entertainment. But quite honestly, the GJW is like the Superbowl, the World Series, the World Cup of soccer, The Stanley Cup of hockey, and whatever other major sporting events there are. For people fond of money, think of it as we've invested all of our time, effort, and every bit of ourselves, and this is where we receive a return. This is where our investments pay off, and we make bank.
We really need to prepare for the Great Jedi War, because I want to win. I won't beat around the bush--I want Tarentum to come out as the First Clan of the Brotherhood, and everyone who helps us achieve that is going to come out with a big reward. This is where people earn promotions, personal possessions, medals on a high-level, and what-have-you. If you want to make a name for yourself, if you want to reach the higher ranks, and if you want to be part of the crew that makes us the Clan that comes out on top, I want everyone prepared and ready to go. This is (hopefully) going to be better to work into student schedules, since it's in the summer, and this is where the excitement comes in. I really need you all to be ready to help out, to participate, and I want to see top marks for Tarentum in every event.
For some personal news, Thursday, I received a letter in the mail that said I had been accepted into the fall RCA. RCA means Recruit Candidate Academy, and that's just the official way of saying fireman training. If everything is on the up-and-up, and I pass all my summer courses, by the end of August, I'll be starting training, and possibly by New Years, I might be looking at one-year fire certification. Yep, Sithie's on the road to becoming a fireman/paramedic.
I had responses from Onwai, Anshar and Kidouses on my request for aid from those interested in a project to sort of rebirth the old jobs of the Envoys. To those three, I appreciate it, and I apologize for the delay, but you can expect more info from me on this project either shortly after this, or tomorrow evening after work. I have a lot of great ideas (I hope), and so does Rekio, and we really want to make this a success.
I also asked for those interested in Allegiance, and I want to say this again, Allegiance is a strong game, that really offers a lot of opportunities to those who play it. While I won't give away too much, I'm planning on asking the Sith High Warrior and Lord Marshal for permission to run an ongoing Allegiance League, and as I have more info, I'll fill you all in. I'd liek to make sure that Tarentum strives to lead the way with this game, and that we have the best players the DB has to offer for Allegiance. We already have some great, active players with this game, like Oberst, Dranik, and X-Pilot, and I think more of you would be interested in this, as well. Our own Dark Jedi Master Zero, also, has been a good force in this game in the Sith War, as was Cannabisia in the War. Again, this really has a lot of opportunities, and I want to take advantage of it.
And lastly, in the newsfront from LucasArts, they are apparently going to be launching a space expansion in Star Wars Galaxies, Jump to Lightspeed (JTLS), and KOTOR 2 is supposedly in production! For more on these--
JTLS: http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swgalaxies_lightspeed/
KOTOR 2: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/rpg/kotor2/preview_6095371.html
And remember, keep an eye out for Rebel Commando, and Battlefront coming soon from LucasArts.
And I'll finish this there. As always, you all know I consider Tarentum the best Clan, and I couldn't hope for a better group of people to work with. You all are the ones that makes this all worth it, and I couldn't do anything without you. Tarentum lives, and Tarentum breathes because we make it so. Let's make sure we push ourselves to the top, and take everything the DB has to offer. Let's rock this place, Tarentum.
-DA Sith Bloodfyre (Sith)/LHoJ-P:DGM-CON/Clan Tarentum
Grand Chamberlain of Tarentum
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