(Just a bit of information, for the duration of the Great Jedi War, I've decided to do reporting in-character, just to keep up the feel the DC would like this Vendetta to have. :) Enjoy!)
Every House had called its members to gather, Gladius within the Sword's Sheath, Cestus within their moon base upon Koros, and those of Tridens within the halls of the Castle Tarentum. In two days time, all of the armies of Tarentum, Force-wielder and flatscan alike would be gathered within the halls of the Castle, but today, they were gathered one last time in their own ancient homes.
Where all the warriors of Tarentum stood, in front of them, a holographic image sprang into being. The Consul of the great Clan of Tarentum, the Dark Side Adept Sith Bloodfyre's image came into view. just behind him, and to the right was the Proconsul, the great Sith called Rekio Corsair, one of the chosen Serpenti; to the Consul's left, and just behind him was the honored Marshal of Tarentum, Maxamillian von Oberst. The three powerful members of Tarentum stood there motionless, waiting for a few moments while the image came into full view, ensuring that none of their words would be lost. The holograms became stable, and finally, the voice of the Consul broke the silence.
"On this day, our Lord Jac Cotelin charged me with a riddle, the first of many challenges to be laid before Tarentum during this Great Jedi War. Yes, Tarentum, we are at war. We are at war!"
Every voice, in every location went up in thunderous battlecries, and shouts of victory that could surely be heard at Coruscant, itself. The normally motionless lips of the Consul bent into a dark, menacing smile; the forces of Tarentum, his Clansmen were ready to bring battle to the other Clans. Tarentum was ready to earn her victory. No one could defeat them, for they were strong, and they stood united. After long moments, the shouts and thunderous noises halted, and the Consul spoke once more.
"It does us well to react as such. Tarentum has shown the Clans that we are not to be defeated, and we will stand victorious at the end of this war. As I have said,t he first of many challenges was brought to me in the form of a riddle. Lord Cotelin charged me with finding the answer to this riddle, and bade me answer as quickly as I could, offering the aid of three clues, if I needed them. Lord Cotelin also spake unto me, that asking for these three clues would cost us, but it would be a greater cost if I answered wrong. I asked for the first clue, and then the second; upon pondering these two clues, I had arrived at an answer,one that I thought to be right. But I could not answer incorrectly, I had to ensure that Tarentum's answer would be correct. And thus, I asked for the third, and final clue.
"My instinctive answer had been correct. I do stand before you with the regret, that I should've trusted my instincts. Had I done so, we would have only been charged for two clues, and not the third. However, I spake unto Lord Cotelin, and our Oracle, Trevarus Caerick, the dragon Shan Long, and gave them the correct answer. Lord Cotelin responded that the correct answer had earned us XXX points of favor from the Star Chamber; however, the three clues cost us XXX points to be deducted. Out of a possible XXX points, Tarentum stands with XXX. I was but the fourth Consul to answer Lord Cotelin's riddle, but he would not speak unto me if the others had answered correctly. He did say, however, that on the morrow, he will reveal unto me more information as to our objectives, and when we will unleash our might upon the other Clans of the Brotherhood.
"Tarentum, we are at war. Our armies will ride forth, and gift the other six Clans with doom that can only come from our hallowed halls. We will storm their places of rest, their places of defense, and we will gift them with defeat, and offer them swift deaths as their only consolation from this life. We will stand at the last days of this conflict, and we will be honored with the rites of victory!
"During this time of war, my brothers, my Clansmen, I speak unto you, that the Marshal of the Armies of Tarentum, the Warlord Maxamillian von Oberst, of the Tarentae, does speak, and act with the voice and authority of the Proconsul and myself. During these times of hostility, his words are my own; his actions come from my hand, itself. The Proconsul and I will stand with you, as always; the Proconsul and I will battle with you, and bleed with you. Together, Tarentum will stand victorious, and all Clans will cry out our name in despair, knowing that they have been weighed, and found wanting in front of our prowess.
"Be ready, Tarentum. For upon this day, by my hand, and by my authority, I declare that we are at war. Let the Clans of the Dark Brotherhood tremble in fear. In two days time, we take our fleets, we deploy our armies, and we bless the Clans with their doom! We are at WAR!"
Every last being whose heart belonged to tarentum raised their voices in cries and chants of battle and bloodlust, promising death and carnage to all who stood against them. The walls of Catle Tarentum shook with the very power of the beings who stood within; the underground caverns of Koros rang out with the powerful voices of the obelisk gathered within; the Sword's Sheath, the asteroid home of Gladius seemed ready to shake apart with the cries and voices of the Krath who foound shelter therein. The image of the Consul stretched his arms out to his sides, raising them slightly. Drawing out to the power of the Dark Side, great tongues of electrical flames leaped out from his fingertips, arcing across every object within the view of the hologram. Even though only an image, nothing more, the Force Lightning of the Consul still scarred the surfact of every base of Tarentum with its fury. Truly, it stood as a representation of the combined power of the great Clan; no matter where their enemies stood, the power and armies of Tarentum would find them, and overrun them.
The holographic image dimmed. Back within the halls of Castle Tarentum, in the chambers where the Consul, Proconsul and Marshal had stood, as they adressed their Clansmen, their brothers, Sith Bloodfyre turned to his trusted allies, brothers of the Tarentae.
"Oberst, ready the Clan for mobilization. Rekio, prepare the fleet. In two days time, we march upon Antei."
-DA Sith Bloodfyre (Sith)/LHoJ-P:DGM-CON/Clan Tarentum
Grand Chamberlain of Tarentum
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