Greetings pilots...
As the majority of you know, House Oriens Obscurum has been re-opened and all Sith personel in Arcona have been transferred there. On a more specific note, Pandragon Squadron has been activated and all non-staff Sith are listed as either Flight Leaders, or Flight Members. Demos and Sykes have seen it fit to make me Commander of Pandragon. Taking up positions as Flight Leaders are Adepts Halcyon and Voranyen.
None of you have served under me before, and most of you probably don't have a clue as to who I am. My command style may be quite different from what you are expecting... generally I ask for three things: regular activity, a sense of respect and honor, and a desire to do your personal best at everything you attempt. I believe that if I can make time in my schedule of classes and work to be your Commaner, you can make time in your schedule to be good active members of my Squadron. I'll elaborate more on my exact expectations later, but for now we have one mission... the Great Jedi War is beginning and our Clan needs us to all do our part so we can win this thing and prove that Arcona is truly the greatest!
*Flight Leaders, I will be contacting you with more direct orders in the coming days.
*Flight Members, be prepared to recieve assignments and information from your respective Flight Leaders soon.
On a final note, if any of you have questions, concerns, or just want someone to talk to... feel free to contact me via e-mail ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) or find me in #db or #arcona on IRC (I'll try to be avalible for all of you as much as I possibly can)
In darkness,
Sith Overlord Dolsar V. "Darkfinn" Saris
-- Commander: Pandragon Squadron
SO Dolsar V. "Darkfinn" Saris (Sith)/CMDR/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
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