That's right, we waited 5 years for JK2 and now JK3 has been announced less than a year after its predecessor was released!
You can see all the news (and a few screenshots!) at
A few highlights I will point out are: Kyle Katarn is no longer the main character, 70% of the game will be played using the lightsaber, and it is slated for a Fall 2003 release.
Check it out!
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I would not hold your breath, noticed the releace date, April 1 2003, I say it's a joke.
Tatsu Kogarasu
Tatsu, nowhere does it say that April 1 2003 is the release date. It does say that the game will come out at some point in Activision's 2004 fiscal time frame (April 2003-March 2004).
Hmm, we shall see, if it's true then w00t, if it's joke, then kicks LucasArts :P
In my opinion the joke would be on them. They went out of there way to make some sweet gfx just to fool some people that really doesnt care that much because they are still beating JKII :-P
I never cease to be amazed by the stupidity of some of you people. Do you people have any vague idea how much money in lawsuits Gamestar (the German magazine who exclusively reported first on JK3) would face if this was an April Fool's joke by them. We would be talking about lawsuits for millions of dollars in false advertising, copyright infringement, etc. by Lucasarts, Lucasfilm Ltd, Raven Software Inc., the creators of the ICARUS AI engine used in JK2, creators of effects systems in jk2, essentially everyone who would've had to have a part in JK3 would immediately file huge lawsuits against Gamestar. I highly doubt that GS would willingly participate in their own destruction this way. JK3 is for real, fools :P
I hope so, it looks like a cool game, I was just going by some facts, there is no info from Lucasarts or Raven software, only form this German gaming mag, there are advertisements up saying the release date is April first, and from what people are posting on MB all over the net saying "...theres about a 99.99% that this is a joke... this would not be the first time something like this happened I remember when there was going to be this Tomb Rader type game were the main character runs around topless, they had screen shots interviews with the programmers and designers and it was all in diff gaming mag allover but it was just a April Fools joke. So please dont get violent about this, its just a game and all, if it is for real awesome if not to bad all Im saying is dont get your hopes up to high.
For the length of time it takes LA to get a new game out to the market, I seriously doubt that they have even began the next segment in the JK franchise. Besides, as has been pointed out, LA holds the copyright and licensing to Jedi Knight, no one would be stupid enough to even try and steal what everyone else in the world knows belongs to George Lucas. :P
Hell, for that matter have you ever seen LA advertise any of their games in such a low ranking online magazine? They usually seek out the more recognizable and higher reputable sources. LOL