Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

HLK news #29 - May 29th, 2004

  1. Great Jedi War

Well, this is the big one. The web site is:


It looks like it's in 5 parts, which makes it seem like this is going to be a LONG competition. The first part ends on June 4th. I'll probably work on a few of the events (especially the flying ones) tomorrow or Monday, since I have an extended weekend.

  1. Medals

SWM Robert Daragon earned a GRAND CROSS OF THE DARK SIDE for being such a wonderfully active person.

SO Manesh Sadow earned a DARK CROSS for being a somewhat wonderfully active person.

  1. Name Change

SW Grey hawk has changed his name to SW Karimicus "I'm not acknowledging that middle name" Sukkarius.

  1. Conclusion

Sadly, Bob has become QUA of House Primus Goluud. I keep on losing my active members to other houses. Well, I guess I'll keep on writing my reports, even if I am the only active member of the house remaining.

=SO Manesh Sadow (sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

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