Before I go into the House report, I'd like to take this time to thank our veterans who are still with us and to remember those who have fallen. It doesn't matter what your opinions are concerning war, it doesn't matter that World War II has been pushed aside in the ever downhill public education system in the United States, these men (and women) gave freely of themselves so that we could live free: whether you live in the USA, or Europe, or elsewhere, I'm sure there are soldiers even from your own nation that deserve this simple act of remembering their struggle. Coming from a military family myself, I know well what it means to have these people still with us. My family has been forntunate that we have not lost many. The History Channel has it wrong: We don't salute Memorial Day, we salute the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Chapter One of the GJW has been pushed back until the 11th of June. All the more reason why you have no excuse :P The standing orders can be found here:
I will admit that the writing assigments are a bit tougher than some in previous years, most notably the poetry. Everything is very vague in the introduction, which makes the writing just a bit harder. But, I do ask that you submit something. I don't want to be the only Gladius member to submit to all 3 of the Fiction events. I'm going to try to do the poetry.
The Clan run-on, which is for the GJW, can be found here:
Please post and add on. It looks better when more people participate, and we have the benefit of getting new ideas and perspectives that may help make the story better.
Finally, I'd like to publicly welcome Shen Long back into Gladius. I do apologize that I didn't e-mail you personally, but I'm having to juggle the computer with 5 other people and I have to put some things off until "later" which very often means I forget about them.
George Carlin quote of the week- you get 2 since I didn't do one last week.
-Peg Leg Bates, Jr.'s sole ambition was to follow in his father's footstep.
-The Pope wears loafers
In darkness,
KPN Anshar Kahn
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