Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Byss Quaestor Report

Krath Pontifex Jonaleth Isradia was stately behind his desk of dark, varnished mahogany, a grim apparition of shadows and robes, whose features were sharply outlined in the faint light fading in through drawn curtains. The Barons sapphire blue eyes blazed in the darkness, lit by a light of their own as the First Master of Byss looked down on the antique paper journal before him, and began to write his weekly status report in a smooth, flowing letters…

“The state of the Brotherhood…”

ØThe Independence Games are under way are over! Exar Kun has won fourth place!

ØThe first Great Jedi War has begun! The first of many parts to come! Go, and show us our triumph again in this next, great Brotherhood event! (http://gjw.darkjedibrotherhood.com).

ØDark Adept McKenna is the new Lord Marshall.

ØThe GMRG has been restructured.

ØThe Krath Test of Skill is now the Test of Wisdom.

ØDark Adept Gilkane has stepped down as Proconsul to be replaced by Obelisk Prelate Khalin Kunar. Knight has repalced Khalin as Quaestor of Ziost.

ØThe Clan Powers have been created and are under review – watch this space.

ØThe Clan History has been fomalised and is awaiting confirmation from the Summit.

ØThe goals and objectives of CEK have been set, to be found in the new Clan History.

ØA new Kunar will join the ranks of the others, soon.

“The affairs of the House…”

ØWe have an egroup – [Log in to view e-mail addresses] - that is for all members to use.

ØThe identity of House Byss is the spies, informants and information gatherers of the Dark Brotherhood. With this in mind, we can tailor our writings, beliefs and works to fit this unique ‘flavour’.

ØDon’t forget to CC me on all the work and communications you submit to anyone, so I can track what you’re doing.

ØThe CEK Anniversary Awards are in: Vithril is the Most Inspirational Jedi and CEK’s Leading Man, I am the Best Summit Member and Cipher is CEK’s Leading Woman.

ØThe Tome of Clan Exar Kun is finished and the CEK Holonet is under way. Some positions on the Holonet need filling.

ØAED Vithril is on leave for a while now. Lets make him proud when he comes back with how much power we have gained!

ØI have been awarded a Steel Cross, three Cr-1A, two Cr-1R and one Cr-1T.

“The movements of the Brotherhood…”

ØBROTHERHOOD COMPETITION: Check the office of the Lord Chamberlain for news of inter-club training events and competitions.

ØCLAN COMPETITION: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=433

ØORDER COMPETITION: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=438

ØORDER COMPETITION: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=439

ØIn lieu of the GJW, there wont be any House Competitions until our standing in the GJW is strong.

ØHOUSE COMPETITION: A run-on is on the House notice board.

“The Krath in specific…”

ØACO Vicera Syn has is on leave.

ØDJK Jaysun Adumarii Isradia has been awarded a Dark Cross and Cr-1S for his work in the House, and has championed us in the Independence Games!

ØKP Vithril Isradia is on leave for three weeks, but has been awarded a Cr-1A, Cr-1E and a Cr-1T for his work in the Independence Games!

ØKP Vally Tamalar has been performing his Tetrarch duties, been on IRC, had a birthday, and been awarded a Star of Antei, Cluster of Fire, Cr-1R and Cr-1S for his work in CEK and the Independence Games!

ØJH Tsune Corinya has been on IRC, training Ran and has been awarded a Dark Cross for his work in CEK!

ØKP Imrahil Celebrimbor Isradia has suffered a broken wrist, but is now back and ready for action!

ØNOV Sevik Gawl has been in-active this week.

ØPRT Szandor is on extended leave.

ØDJK Cipher K’oranian Isradia has been performing her Tetrarch duties, been on IRC and been awarded a Dark Cross for her work in CEK!

ØGRD Mako Henymory has been in-active this week.

ØDJK Mune Metsukai Isradia has been performing his Tetrarch duties, been on IRC and has submitted to a few of the IG events.

ØACO Ran Passik has been on IRC and has been training with Tsune.

ØAPP Gyro Isradia has been on IRC and maintaining the website.

ØPRT Seiryu Kaieet has been in-active this week.

ØAPP Khepri Skihre has been in-active this week.

ØNOV Jaisen Glave has been in-active this week.

ØAPP Danai Dao has been in-active this week.

ØAPP Naegele has joined us.

“My thoughts given form…”

ØAll ranks up to Protector (INI, APP, NOV & ACO) will be directly trained by Vithril, who will no longer take dedicated Apprentices but focus on these ranks. Once the rank of Protector is reached, the PRT must then ask a DJK+ rank to train them through the Trials of Knighthood, as a Master wont be assigned, but must be picked by the trainee with the trainers say so. This is because one must WANT to be a DJK, not simply wait for it to happen. Available masters include: Myself, Imrahil, Mune and Valon.

ØPLEASE speak to me if you need any help or advice!


ýMaintain Rosters,

ýWelcome new members,

ýWork on DB roleplay,

ýMake Report,

ýWrite for the KMT’s,

ýDo the GJW’s,

ýGet GoA updated,

ýPost some more to Bloodlines,

ýFinish some of the Quaestor Projects for final versions,

ýFinish up Clan Powers,

ýFinish up Clan History,

ýFinish up Clan Artefacts,

ýConsolidate all Vardor/Isradia information,

ýPester, pester, pester, pester, pester,

ýDevelop an idea for NWN Guild,

“These places hold wisdom…”

ØDark Brotherhood Home Page – http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp

ØDark Brotherhood Message Board - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/db/message_board/

ØClan Exar Kun Homepage - http://www.clanexarkun.org/

ØClan Exar Kun Message Board - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/db/message_board/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=12

ØOffice of the Quaestor - http://www.clanexarkun.org/byss/link4.html

ØHouse Byss Homepage – http://www.clanexarkun.org/byss/

ØHouse Byss Message Board - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/db/message_board/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=11

ØAntei Combat Centre - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/halls.asp

ØShadow Academy - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/index.html

ØKrath Homepage - http://www.harpoen.nl/~jam3z/krath/page.php?page=home

ØOffice of the Lord Chamberlain - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/lch/

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