Damn, last Saturday was fun. Heheh. Two huge announcements this week. See report for more information. Sorry for not being around so much this week, I've had a friend over. Thats also why this report hasn't been posted until today, but eh, ah well.
Lord Chamberlain's Report for the period of 4/28/04 to 5/4/04
<>Interclub Training Event
Well, as of last week, the Interclub Training Event on Saturday's is being replaced by a competition titled "Celestial Fury," which is being run Saturdays in #outerrim. Celestial Fury will be detailed below. The Interclub Training Event has been put on hold until I can finalize details on a new day for the competition, and probably find another host, since I'll be rather busy with Celestial Fury (I'll be looking for a new host when the time is determined... don't ask just yet). For now, enjoy the ICTE All-Stars below:
<table width="360" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#000000"> <tr> <td colspan="2">
Interclub Training** E**vent All-Stars
</td> </tr> <tr> <td bordercolor="#000000">Locust(685) - 4/24/2004</td> <td rowspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr> <td bordercolor="#000000">Benevolent(2076) - 5/15/2004</td> </tr> <tr> <td bordercolor="#000000">Kaiann(129) - 5/22/2004</td> </tr> </table>
**<>Celestial Fury
**Celestial Fury is an interclub competition that will be taking place every Saturday in #outerrim from 2 pm EST to 11 pm EST. The competition revolves around attacking planets controlled by other clubs. If you're interested in participating in the competition, drop in to #Outerrim on Saturday to seek information on how to sign up, or check out the Celestial Fury site at http://fury.starwarsalliance.net! Once a member signs up, I can approve them... Then, they just need to drop into #Outerrim on Saturdays to play. There's plenty of XvT and XWA opponents, as well... So for those pilots who've been sitting around twiddling their thumbs, you now have something to do!
Celestial Fury will offer us a unique opportunity to demonstrate our skill and activity to other clubs, so lets get out there and have some fun! Basically, every week, we will make war upon systems held by opposing clubs. We'll then fight our battles against those organizations, and based on the results, we'll see if we win or lose. For more information on the competition, feel free to check in with me on IRC. I've also gotten approved to award Crescents to those who perform superbly at Celestial Fury. Also, since this is an Interclub thing, I'll be speaking with the LM and CoG about incorporating increased importance to the matches played during CF.
The competition site for Celestial Fury has a built in ladder, complete with rankings for every individual who has signed up. This week, our best performers overall were Zacfer and Darksabre, who both contributed a ton of wins to the DB's cause! I expect when final results are in, we'll have won a ton of planets, and probably not lost many. I'd like to thank everyone who played games, as it was a great thing to see so many DBers out (Even FreshJive, who set on the waiting list for several hours trying to get matches. :( ) Due to the hard work of several DB members, we were able to earn a net gain of two planets in this Saturday's round. Good job, guys, and lets look forward to even more fun next week!
*<>Star Wars Alliance *
As I'm sure you guys have noticed... The Celestial Fury site is being hosted on http://www.starwarsalliance.net ... As some of you will recall, I've talked about a big announcement that I'd be making in the near future. Well, its finally here. The Star Wars Alliance is an organization dedicated to better cooperation and communication between the various clubs we're allied with. At the moment, the SWA is still being finalized, discussed, built, etc. Celestial Fury itself is not being directly run by the SWA, though the clubs involved in it are, for the most part, SWA membership. Specifics of the SWA are not something I can't discuss at the moment, though, suffice to say, its something those of us in the DB who have been working on it are very excited about.
If anyone would like to get involved in helping out with the SWA or with the Celestial Fury competition, stay tuned. I'll be mentioning how members can get involved very, very soon.
<>Personal Possessions
To repeat this announcement, in case anyone missed it:
Arania has asked me to make an announcement about personal possessions. As she is currently compiling a list of them for approval and the like (in preparation for Rebirth), I would like to ask all members that have personal artifacts and poisons to submit a description of the item and any effects to Arania. However, this does NOT mean the item is automatically approved and is now "official," but submitting it to Arania is part of the process. So get to it! This includes custom weapons used in the ACC.
<>Weekly Meetings
First... I'm in need of some more trivia, folks! Send it in! Get a free LS if you do! Please include answers. :P
Second, meeting log is posted on the message boards. Or, you can click here. I'll be posting all meeting logs in the announcement forums, like I used to. Thanks to Xiphias and his bot for the log. Yay bot. :) Also included in the log is a transcript of the IG awards ceremony. :)
Adept Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Lord Chamberlain
DA Telaris "Mav" Cantor (Obelisk)/LCH-RHoJ/Dark Council [GMRG: PRT]
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Does this make us a subsidiary element of this new "Star Wars Alliance"? That would be rather awkward on the one-year anniversary of our independence from the Emperor's Hammer...
It sounds more like the Trammel Alliance from UO Oceania. No subservients, no heads, no leadership. Just a collection of seperate communities coming together to play games.
That's pretty much exactly what it is. It has nothing to do with making various "subfactions" led by the combined leaders of each club, or whatnot. It's just a bunch of clubs coming together for mutual benefit by way of advertising, mutual competition, etc., as far as I know. I prefer to think of it more like alliances, common friendships, good stuff.