Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Dark Greetings all :)

Another fine week has passed and what do I see ? Me on the top guns board in Celestial Fury :P W000t :P . Anyways let me get down to business . The first part of the Great Jedi War will end on 11th of June ! So watch it . It’s gonna end . Next thing is the activity , kinda sucky from Zet’s AWOL report :( So let’s change this since holiday is coming .

ICTE is known as Celestial Fury so it’s cooler than ICTE but suckier because of the sign-up system . Well that’s all for this week . This report is a LITE version :P

Roster :

Name Rank

Obelisk Trooper Zekk Templar

Obelisk Trooper Scorpio_Sith Jedi Hunter

Obelisk Trooper Shiva Protector

Obelisk Trooper windos matrix Protector

Obelisk Trooper im2ez4u Acolyte

Obelisk Trooper Frosty Novice

Well this is all for this week :) . Medals and promos = 0 . Sorry .


                                                          Your BoF Sergeant.  

                                                                2265 OP X-Pilot out .  

OP X-Pilot (Obelisk)/SGT/Cestus of Tarentum [ACC: L]



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