Look what they've done to my song. Ma!
1 - GOA Bwiess-ness
Kali Desdemona Damon #3651
Godo Nurok #3875
Aduro Rokir #3865 - Still needs to be uploaded as site was down.
Nekura Manji Keibatsu #3415
Frey Gallandro #1363
Though the HRLD site is back up, the form is still Busted. The Help files are all still rather relevant and should be used to make your own request. Follow the procedure outlined a few weeks ago - e-mail the following info to Mejas:
Dossier #, Jedi Name, Rank, Order, Motto, and CHARGE IMAGE. Charge image can be a link to an image, or the actual image, but FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES. What'd I Say? That's right - 162 px square.
2 - Communication
I still ask that any non-standard DB communication to me be prefixed with [DB] in the subject. Non-standard means anything that doesn't say "Lightsaber" or "GoA" in the subject.
3 - The Commentary
I see that we have a few people In The Club interested in Battlefield Vietnam as a DB 'guild'. As much as I love the game I don't think it's appropriate. I'm just not a fan of making guilds for games that don't fit the theme of the club. I know we already have a few for games like Diablo 2, but this is more an Obelisk matter I suppose. Don't we have enough to do with just JO/JA, and if not why not? I know people have tried to create a Battlefield 1942 (BF1942) Galactic Conquest (GC) event or two, which - to me - is a step in the right direction. I just feel that GC is way too unpolished to devote a group to.
I say just hold on for the real deal later this year when SWBattlefront comes out. Then we'll have the play-ability of the BF series with the technology of SW. Chances are it won't totally suck. I could rant on GC for hours, but I say the official thing will be far more 'complete' than what's available right now. Just because GC's "free" doesn't mean it's "good".
4 - Rest in Peace Ron and Ray. 10 points to the person who finds all the references. Another 10 if you understand them all.
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Ronald Regan and Ray Charles. Heh, passing of an age...
From the Office of the Praetor
Please note the following 3 GoA's have been created/updated and uploaded:
SWL Dalthid #2563
SWM Drake Cloud #1399
GRD Pug #3674
Actually, the whole point of the Guild is to play non-SW games. SW games are normally added to the "official" listing of platforms we use. Guilds are there for (mostly) non-SW games that a group of DB members enjoy playing. A place for people who already know eachother to go out and enjoy their favorite games as well.
Well - now I know!
Anyhow - the reference list is as follows:
Bwiess-ness: Strong Bad E-Mail #104 (where it's actually "bweez-nass")
Ray Charles song titles:
Look What The've Done To My Song, Ma
What'd I Say
In The Club