I've been rather busy this weekend and I'm sorry for not getting a report out at my normal time. I did have a nice time though.
Phyle happenings and gossip!!
Hey we broke even with the Mystics as far as participation goes. I call that an achievement on everyone's part. You guys made me happy by making a showing in the first GJW chapter. I think we can do better but I'm happy with the results.
Competition stuffs!!
Yay! We get a week off to relax! So relax darn ya, all of ya! Hehehe. I'd like to personally thank Kudos and Shimas for being active. You guys did great! Creed, I know you've been busy with work and I thank you for letting me know that. I do hope they give you some time off to relax. Onwai, Sauron, Dranik, I would like to see you three participate in the next chapter just because I'd like to see what you can do.
I will be working harder on the next one. I just hope the writing topics are better. I must say I did not like most of them but I drug my feet through them anyway. I'll also try to be around as much as I can to answer questions, bounce ideas, or to just chat with. I hope that if you do have writers block, come see what kind of ideas I have. I will share :)
Question of the week!
If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?
And now for this weeks moment of zen.
During the chaos after the explosion on the Corsair, no one took notice of one person getting sick. Apparently Telona gets sick when the ship starts to rock. It could have been brought on by the blow she took to the stomach moments before. She was entirely relieved that no one saw her race to the nearest toilet.
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