Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Tetrarch Report Number Go!

(That’s ‘five’ for the fools that can’t speak Japanese)

‘Yep, that’s right… I decided to sell out and write a report slightly in character. I’m so sorry!’

'Dipping the calligraphy brush lightly into the inkpot, Manji carefully painted the last character onto the parchment and sighed. Putting the brush away, he rolled up the paper and stood, walking out of the room and into the corridor. Grabbing a passing apprentice, Manji whapped him lightly with the rolled up parchment.

"Hey. Send this through the Avatars of Death mailing group."

Nodding hurriedly, the apprentice scurried away with the parchment clutched tightly in his hand. Turning, Manji stepped back into the Tetrarchs office and picked up the katana and wakizashi, tucking them through his obi. Then he straightened up and winced as he felt his vertebrae squeal in protest.

"Oof... I'm knackered. It's saké time!"

Important Stuff

Well, first of all, the second phase of the Great Jedi War shall begin tomorrow… I want y’all to be ready and prepared to participate your arses off in the second phase. If you don’t… there will be pain involved, and that’s all I’m saying. =D Anyway, the first phase seems to have gone quite well- we got the most posts in the Run-on (I think), as well as having probably the most story driven one. Excellent. Those who participated should be honoured. Mr Quaestor/Aedile? ^_^

Oh, and I had an idea- probably not very practical, but hey. If every one of you is qualified for the ACC, perhaps I could try and organise a Phyle deathmatch in the Deathmatch hall… I’d like feedback on that, to know if any of you would actually be interested in doing it. Talk to me, people!

Medals, Promotions, Gubbins

Well… I passed the Leadership Studies course, so I’m now officially qualified to be your Tetrarch ^_^ Go me.

Ahm… no promotions… no medals…. no other gubbins… why? =( I’m disappointed. Ah well… I’m sure it’ll all pay back after the Great Jedi War. Hmm? It had better…

Other Blurb

Not much of a week… Bloody, bloody football has been on all week. Bleh. I dislike football intensely, but it’s usually wise to keep your mouth shut in my house. My Dad is one of those fanatic football fans- not a hooligan, just a big fan. Annoying. Anyway, I can usually get away from it all by sitting in my room with some Hendrix or some Maiden, or possibly some Tomoyasu Hotei on. And Samurai Showdown on the Megadrive emulator. W00t. And I got a job at John Lewis (note to Americans and other rare, strange creatures: a big department store over here in Blighty), so pretty soon the money shall be rolling in… and soon after that, the Kendo armour and the l33t new computer… muahahahah….

In Conclusion

Wait until the second phase of the GJW is open tomorrow, then participate! Lots! I’m going to, so you should too! Until next week… sayonara, my Tyros! Oh, and… ph34r!!

DJK Nekura Manji Keibatsu (Krath)/TET/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

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