Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

"Just as I know I am winning this fight

You think I'm wrong, when I know I am right

You're so lame, it's me to blame, but dark calls.

You will say day, and I will say say night

I know the power is dark while you pretend that it's light.

You're so lame, it's me to blame, but dark calls."

Bit early, I know, but as Saturday is my birthday and Voldemort's important football (soccer for the brutes) match, I doubt I'll have time this weekend, so here it goes. Regarding that, we are also watching the European Championship, so we aren't online much.

First of all, we got two new members - DJM Kem-Shu Maeda (anyone who finds out which associations this name gives me in German pronounciation gets a jar of cookies) and BY NOW ALREADY ACO delek verlesk! Yep, that's how fast you can get off those low ranks if you really try!

GJW stuff - if you haven't noticed, the results of Chapter 1 are out. We sucked as expected, but we did ok enough not to end up last and I managed to get a Silver Nova in the only event I really tried for (Final Dies) so that's a good thing.

You can find the results if you read the Dark Voice, which also holds information relevant to the GJW. So go read it, and yeah I do expect you to go to the news page and find it yourselves. I have to be mean every once in a while. And no, no summary, had no time to read it myself today, will do tomorrow.

Chapter 2 events will be released tomorrow, but the story is already out, and so you can go and read up Chapter 2. You know where to find that, right? GJW link from the domain, top link on the nav bar :o)

Then, asides of the GJW, we have Timbals competition about his son's mischief on. I hope everyone remembers that one. If not, go here:

Yet another competition worth a try is from the KHP's office:

PCON'S featured competition!

There is a competition from a GRD Jandos Phyleus Kalinor. It looks interesting. You are to design a recruitment poster for the DB. If you think you'd like to do a fun gfx and are good in such stuff, I'd say go for it:

I am sure I forgot something, but as its forgotten, I can obviously not add it now. Dang. Oh well, more reason to bug you later again.

Darkness protect


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