Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Prophecy Phyle Report #3 for 07-07-2004



This week I had to reinstall my whole system a few times… never trust a friend who says he knows ways of improving your pc’s perforance, since it’s more likely he heard it from some unkonwn random source and has no real idea what he’s doing. It was actually for the best, though, Windows has a tendency to accumulate junk and get slow, nothing a format and reinstall doesn’t solve. It’s running so pretty now :P

I find it intriguing that not one single person among the people I said I wanted to hear from bothered to click reply and contact me. If that’s the kind of participation and team work you want to show, it’s up to you, I’m not the kind of guy that keeps insisting. I just hope you realize participation is what moves people forward in this club, if that’s what you want. :)

Without any further delay…


THE GREAT JEDI WAR MOVES ON! CHAPTER 2 IS UP! Until it’s done, nothing DBish else really matters! We’re tied in first with Taldryan, and we must show a LOT of work if we want to keep ahead of them! Details to be found in the Aedile’s report! GO! READ! WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Guardian Jandos Phyleus Kalinor: Awarded a Dark Cross for sending valuable feedback to the Dark Council!

Jedi Huntress Isalka Tyoun Xyler: Passed the Sith Flight Studies and the PHP Programming I exams! (Sith? Ew… erhm, I mean… wheee… uh… yay ;P)

Oooooooh, I’m so proud of you’s! ;-))


Isalka – Improving her knowledge through the Shadow Academy

Jandos – Sent feedback to the Dark Council

Lan – Looking for past information for the Phyle History

Strategos – Planning to take over the galaxy

Everybody else – No contact (tsk tsk)


Rebuilding Prophecy so it has a meaning, an identity, will be my main focus as Tetrarch. How are we going to do it?

First of all, we'll be doing it together. It'd be pretty easy for me to just sit and do it all by myself, it'd be quick and shiny and mean nothing. It'll be far more interesting if we all take part in this, sharing ideas and bashing our brains against the keyboard together. Like I said, parts of the rebuild will be done as competitions, other parts won't. For the non-comp parts I'll create the PC (Prophets Circle), which is basically a discussion group made of those members of Prophecy who want to discuss (doh!) and give input to the more substabtial parts of the rebuild, such as writing our Phyle History;

New Phyle Motto: we'll have this changed, so it better reflects the nature of our Phyle. It will be the subject of a Phyle Competition;

Phyle Mailing list: up and running – [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

New Phyle Website: it is online. Some parts still look blank because they’ll be used to store what we create during the rebuilding.

The Big Three: these are the questions we'll be trying to answer with the make-up. "Who are we? What do we do? How do we do it?"

Once we have these accomplished, I trust we'll have a better understanding of our places in this organization, which will extend the fun the Brotherhood promotes to its fullest. :P




Motto: Our road to knowledge is paved with corpses. (to be changed soon)

Order: Krath

Tetrarch Priest al'Lan Mandragoran ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tyro Epis Alex d'Tana ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tyro Jedi Hunter Isalka Tyoun Xyler ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tyro Guardian Tay ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tyro Epis Xizor ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tyro Dark Jedi Knight Kandos Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tyro Archpriest Strategos Thanatos Entar ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tyro Guardian Kraith Dakiel Xyler ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tyro Guardian Jandos Phyleus Kalinor ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Respectfully submitted,


KP al'Lan Mandragoran (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC: L]



Tetrarch of Prophecy

Insane Puppet of House Qel-Droma



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