Well there has been some GJW news so I figured I would send out an email.
First of there has been a new event added to the GJW and that event is a poetry competition.
In waging war upon another clan of the Brotherhood, individual alliances and tenuous friendships must be put aside. In order to encourage this, members have begun compiling long poems, detailing their grievances against the clan in question, expressing their hatred and dominance of the other clan.
Length: 1 pages minimum, 12 point times, 1 inch margins, .doc format. Submit here.
Marking Criteria
oJudges will rank each of the following criteria with a 1 - 10 score. Those scores will then be multiplied by the associated percentage and then summed together for the final score.
oVocabulary/Grammar (allowing for English as a 2nd language) - 20%
oImagination - 20%
oDetail/Description - 20%
oPace and rhythm - 20%
oLength - 10%
oGritty-ness - 10%
The rest of the GJW events can be found here http://gjw.darkjedibrotherhood.com/chaptertwoOrders.asp
As it stands now we seem to me lacking in participation across the board. Only 3 members of Gladius have even signed up for the ACC part of the GJW that is 3 out of 20 while I will not announce who those 3 are I am sure everyone can guess and we can all agree the turn out is pretty poor. One thing to keep in mind if you have not joined the ACC you can still take part in the ACC stuff. Simply email the Combat Master and tell him you want to take part in the ACC during the GJW. Also you can email me and I will give you better directions. I do not know how many folks have submitted anything for the GJW I do know nobody has told me if they have done anything.
On to other GJW matters the Clan run-on a bit better participation rate here so far 5 members have taken part in the run-on. Yup a whole 5 but beats the hell out of 3 I would like to thank Anshar, Telona, Bastion, and Maarkhan for their work in the run-on thus far.
Thus far I have covered the Fiction and the Run-on, now I move on to the graphical section of the GJW. I know most people think they cant make a graphic worth a crap, so why bother entering. I will tell you why, because literally less then 5 minutes of effort can score the Clan 6 Points
http://www.geocities.com/scktrav/cannabisiaGJWpic.JPG This is what Cannabisia did for his entry, and Anshar just did the 2 stick figure part http://www.geocities.com/randomviola/gjw/ (click on the thing that says graphic). While I would love to get some competition for myself in this event I would be more then happy to see people submitting stick figures as long as they are submitting.
No one writing event in this Chapter is more then 2 pages long and 2 out of the 3 are 1 page events. I know there are a lot of people in this House that can throw a page together in no time.
I understand that a lot of people are busy with real life things and getting time to put into writing can be a bit hard. If you cant do anything fire off an email to Anshar and myself and let us know what is up. I would like to see something out of you folks if possible, at least let us know whats up. Be you Pontifex or Apprentice being in a house means doing something within in the house from time to time. I know there are a lot of members of the house who have paid their dues several times over. Well Sithy has come collecting again and it is time for all of us to pony up something.
Thats all I have for now. If anyone has something they would like to add hit reply.
KAP Spears Tarentae (Krath)/P:HM-AED/Gladius of Tarentum [PA: LN] [ACC: GJW]
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