Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Slaves of Darkness Phyle Report

July 16, 2004

House News:

1)GJW Chapter II has is in full swing! Check it out:

Phyle News:

1)Koidyis is on LoA from June 28-July 18 for Airborne training.

2)Jeax is on extended LoA until further notice.

3)Trivia Comp is on! See “Current Competitions” for more details.

Medals, Promotions, Transfers, etc.:

1)DJK Jeax Zirv awarded Crescent with Diamond Star – Congrats!

Current Competitions:

1)Great Jedi War: See and below for more details.

2)“A Tetrarch’s Trivia”: See for complete details. Trivia question will be at the end of this report!

3)July’s Monthly Poem comp: 'Obsession'

Keep it short, pour as much as you can into the fewest possible lines. Make it provocative, original, dripping with pure, raw, emotion. Any form accepted, but it must be kept at or under 10 lines.

Submit to Ciara: [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] in .txt or .doc

4)July’s Monthly Fiction: 'Déjà Vu'

Maximum 2 pages TNR 10 pt (or equivalent).

(To contrast with the Epic comp)

E-mail to Alanna [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] in .txt or .doc

Upcoming Competitions:

1)ACC Ladder, if we have enough support for it.

2)Post GJW fiction: ‘Vacation’ – What did you do immediately after the War? Relax? Get back to work? Kill some innocents for sport? Write about it.

Tenative Date: Whenever GJW ends

A Word from the Tetrarch:

Not much to say this week on my front; I apologize to anyone who’s attempted to contact me in the past few days; other obligations had to take precedence over DB activities. That being said, I should be free for a good part of the week next week, so expect to see a bit more of me on the IRC channel.

As I mentioned before, I’m going to try sending out some personal e-mails to each of you. They’re not so much DB related as they are a check-in on how you’re doing. If we’re going to be beating people around together, I figure we should have some kind of rapport.

As of this writing, I haven’t received any feedback on the trivia questions. I’ll leave the first one up for one more week, in case you’ve overlooked it, and I’ll also be adding the new one. Remember to send me an e-mail with SoD Trivia, Week #1 or something similar.

Lastly, of course, the GJW is still on! I’ve heard from Xhedias, but so far I haven’t heard of any submissions or registration from anyone else. If you’re not going to participate, I need to know NOW so I can put you on LoA for the duration of the conflict. We’re not looking for much—a few submissions always help—but the entire clan absolutely needs everyone to step up.


Trivia Question:

1)In Columbus, Ohio, a particular food (not alcohol) cannot be sold on Sundays. What is it?

2)A bit of political trivia: Who is the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Green Party?

2.) Who is the vice-president for the green party? Miquel Camejo

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