Yeah I had a bad week last week. Just one of those weeks where you have a headache all the time and you want to just strangle someone. I hate auditors.
Phyle happenings and gossip!!
Lets see Id like to put the spotlight on Bastion Creed! Hes been active in the current chapter of the GJW with the run-on and has written well. More than Ive written for the run-on. :)
Id also like to point out that Shimas has been active as well. Hes got some kicking fights going in the ACC. Wipe the floor with them!
Competition stuffs!!
Oi! These stories are worse than the last bunch in my opinion. Ive been dragging my feet through them the entire time. Hey how about everyone draw something for the graphics event! Ive seen some of the submissions and they were only stick figures. LOL! You know, thats 6 points and takes like two minutes to draw a stick figure of a Jedi killing another. Soooo my challenge to you all is to at least send in a little graphic and win your Phyle, House, and Clan some much needed points! Plus Ill remember who worked so hard to make them little sticks and you just might find a shiny medal in your possession.
Question of the week!
Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?
And now for this weeks moment of zen.
Where has our fearless QUA been? Theres been little word from him at all these past few weeks and the House is starting to wonder whats up. When approached, Spears could only say that he was indisposed. What he wasnt telling anyone was the QUA was sick. Seems he gets a bit space sick when around bumpy anomalies. So why doesnt he just tell everyone that hes sick? Well if your head was stuck in the toilet you wouldnt be talking very much now would you.
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