Please read these guidelines before submitting. CON's and QUA's pass these guidelines on to your Clans and Houses. Only about 25% of the submissions I have got so far have been perfect. You 25% know who your are I sent you a Thank you Mail. The main thing people are missing now is the new naming format. I know it is hard to get used to but it helps me to keep track of whom submitted what. Now here are the guidelines once again, and you can look at these on the Dark Voice Website as well.
I know that all of you are excited about submitting to the Dark Voice and getting your dark side scrolls or possible dark cross for those select few. First you need to know the guidelines for submitting to the Dark Voice. IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE I WILL SEND ONE WARNING AFTERWARD I WILL JUST DELETE!
Make sure to include your DB ID line AND DB Pin number in the E-mail when submitting to the dark voice. This helps me type in all of those medals I award, you dont do this then dont cry to me that you didnt get your dark side scroll (DSS).
The submission MUST be Dark Jedi/Force related. DO NOT just send me a TIE fighter picture. Yes, I know that we have Sith pilots but I need more creativity then that. If you made it a banner and put some cools DB related stuff on there then that is fine. But I will not accept just anything. It must be Dark Brotherhood/Force related.
ALL SUBMISSIONS will be titled as follows, (NAME-STORY TITLE). Example; I write a story named Darkness Below I would write it like this (korbane-darknessbelow) all in lower case letters with no spaces. If you do not send it like this I will not accept it.
QUALITY NOT QUANTITY! I have some people that will submit a lot of stuff and it will not be a high quality at all. I will no longer take these submissions, if you are not going to take any effort and expect a DSS then you are wrong.
OBELISK/SITH; When you submit any screen shots NAME THEM. I will not accept anything named shot001, shot002, ect Use the naming system above and think of something creative. Like you got to guys standing like they are about to draw gun in the wild west then name it (name-wildwestdraw). It is not that hard and it shows me you put some thought into it.
When you wish to contribute anything to the Dark Voice send all items to KAP Korbane Ashoka at ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Be sure to put the Subject as Dark Voice Submission I will no longer take fwd. E-mails. It only takes a second to send it to me personally.
If you submit to a competition and submit to the Dark Voice afterwards
then you must inform me if you won a medal from the previous competition.
This will exclude you from winning a Dark Cross but you will still be
awarded a Dark Side Scroll. If you do not tell me and I find out
it will
be bad. (This will prevent 'double awarding')
That is all the rules for the Dark Voice, I look forward to receiving your submissions!
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oops :P Guess I forgot the new naming thing was for gfx as well :P
when submitting the storys i know u said name then title would that be in the e-mail title or the file?
DJK Silent
That would be the name of the file. If you screw up the guidelines or don't understand them I will send you back an E-mail telling you if you did it right or wrong when you submit.