Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Avatars of Death Tetrarch Report Number Jyu!

(That’s ‘ten’ for the fools that can’t speak Japanese…)

‘Woooo! I beat Dalthid! Woooooooo!!’

Important Stuff

Like it says above- I managed to beat Dalthid in an ACC match! Yes, that’s right… I’m a lowly DJK and he’s a Pontifex, as well as being the Supreme Champion and Senior Judge of the ACC….. And I BEAT him! Ha! Ahem Anyway… in other important stuff, the second phase of the Great Jedi War draws to a close today… personally I don’t think we did quite as well in this phase as we did in the first one, but hey. I could be wrong. And hopefully, if I win all my remaining matches, I’ll have won seven and lost one… which should help the cause somewhat.

Also, I’m going on LoA for a week- from today until the 31st, to be precise. Going to London to stay with a friend of mine and spend copious amounts of money in the Charing Cross Road branch of Forbidden Planet… and to see my ex-girlfriend…_ should be awesome. So yeah, anyway- it’s been timed quite appropriately to slot in between the end of Chapter Two and (hopefully) the start of Chapter Three… once I get back I’ll do a ton of stuff for Chapter Three, I promise! =D

Medals, Promotions, Random Gubbins

We have a new member… although he’s not in either of the Phyles as of yet, since I was assigned as his envoy I decided to do this. ^_^ Everyone give Silver Raven a big drunken welcome… ignores various cheers and bottles exploding I hope your career in the Dark Brotherhood shall be a long and fruitful one…

Medals: none. Promotions: none. Why? Disappointing…

The Weird and Wonderful World of Your Tetrarch

I’ve been working my arse off for several weeks, and the first full paycheque came in yesterday! W000t! Meaning that I now have a rather respectable 500 quid in my bank account. Bwahaa… I’m thinking Kendo Armour… However, I’m also thinking Paul Chen wakizashi, l33t computer and manga… I like my one-track mind ^_^

In Conclusion…

And that’s it for this week, as my parents are beginning to scream things like: ‘Get in the beeeeeeeep car!!’ I shall bid you farewell, my Tyros. Sayonara!

And remember- if I can pwn Dalthid, you can too! Fight the power!!

_**DJK Nekura Manji Keibatsu (Krath)/TET/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

Samurai of the Keibatsu Family

Tetrarch of the Avatars of Death

Envoy of House Marka Ragnos

Scourge of the Supreme Champion ^^**

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