House Marka Ragnos Aedile Report IV
House News:
Korras is back from his holiday, and is going to be diving right in as soon as he gets his bearings again.
Also, Terribly important, StarLion's Awol check... Anyone who hasn't emailed RollMaster StarLion at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] to verify that they haven't died yet will be marked AWOL shortly, and transfered to rogue. Which makes it really suck when you try to participate in comps and stuff...
GJW has begun its third phase. There are quite few events this time. Two fiction events, one graphic event, and a slew of multiplayer events. ACC, JO, JA, XvT, the whole gang of them. At any rate, they are running this new thing about 'Infected' Jedi. And guess what? Marka Ragnos has NONE (I checked last night). That's right, no Infected members... Yet. I don't know how they plan on determining how or which people get infected, but I'll bet it has to do with activity in the Jedi War. Hey, at least they are trying to make it more engaging...even if it is by threats. This phase ends in ten days (15 August), so get on it.
'Infected', huh... I wonder if the infected ones run around at night shrieking with their mouths open wide and trying to eat everyone a la "28 Days Later". Man, do zombie movies weird me out... I usually end up paranoid for a few hours afterward... Anyway, you'll know if you have been infected because your dossier will have turned green, an email will come from on high telling you as much, and you'll have an undenyable urge to eat brains while shuffling about aimlessly.
Clan News:
Tissaya and Malik opened the Quaestor and Aedile positions up to the whole DB. They're taking applications currently. Naga Sadow likes to hire from within, however, and if you've got the ability and drive to do it, I recommend you go talk to them.
It looks as if the mighty compendium of clans beat the everloving snot out of Taldyran and Arcona, but I haven't seen Squat as far as official results go. The official fiction has Vail (one of our good Allies) giving a victory speech. kinda neat.
Standard Stuff:
Promotions: nil
Decorations: nil
Graduations: nil
Deaths: nil
Competitions: Breathe Life II has been released.
CSP-CNS caption comp has been released.
Testing your Limits comp still underway.
So...How's Life comp is pending, found here:
Korras is back, AWOL check going on, CNS still short a few QUAs and AEDs, GJW Phase III has begun, and there is a slew of comps running. I'm still not seeing the level of activity I would like. If anyone has suggestions as to what might change that, please feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The Beatings will continue until morale improves!
KP Muz Ashen(Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
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