Welcome to this late/early report from your Consul.
Since I'm going out (yeah yet again) for the week end and I won't be around till sunday late night I tought it was better to send my report out now since I don't think there are going to be major changes in the next few days.
A new summit for House Ziost has been chose after the removal of KnightofRage from his office. The new Quaestor and Aedile of Ziost are Sith WarMaster Talon Jade and Obelisk Templar Revolt. Congratulations.
Also this week has seen the return of an old member and former AED of house Byss within our ranks, welcome back Erryc !!
The results for Chapter 2 of the GJW have been released and it's a real shame only two members among the whole clan had 5 minutes to spend over any DB activity in a 3 weeks time...a real shame. I really hope that won't happens again or heads will start to falls.
With the end of Chapter 2, the next chapter has been launched and now we are all engaged in multiplayer competitions, as well a couple of piece of writings, outside and within our clan.
If you have read the story since the beginning you know what I'm talking about (I really suggest you to do so or you'll lose most of the fun) but I'll make it short for those real lazy of you:
A somehow mistical infection is spreading within the brotherhood and the infected member are starting to fight their own clanmate. They have to be stopped before everything is lost.
The rules for this chapter are simple:
For infected members:You'll notice soon for your name on your dossier is in GREEN. You can only fight members of your own clan or allies of your clan (CSK and CSP in our case).
For the normal one : You can fight all the enemy of your clan as stated in chapter 2 and the infected members of our alliance.
Remember you have all to sign up (and then play) at last at one segment of this chapter ( http://gjw.darkjedibrotherhood.com/PHP/index.php?act=signup ) or been listed as infected by the end of the chapter. Don't try to cheat on this like joining the last few days or whatsoever as we took measures to avoid this and you won't like to be caugh cheating.
This chapter will last only untill the 15th of August so you have barelly 10 days to play as many matches as you can. As for myself, I've played already 4 JA matches and submitted my ficition for this GJW, everything in one day. I expect much from all of you.
For those that don't belive I can check who's doing what, I have to tell you that there is a wonderful place in the db site accessible to everyone ( http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/gjw_activity.asp?ID=12 ) that shows clan by clan who has submitted chapter by chapter. It's liked to the database of the submissions so don'tr try to sneak on me, it's worthles.
That ends my report for this week.
Sith OverLord Khan Kunar
Heir of Exar Kun
Consul of Clan Exar Kun
SO Khan Kunar (Sith)/P:MAA-CON/Clan Exar Kun [PA: CT] [KSOE: KCE] [ACC: INI]
" The Power tires only those who do not have it. " Giulio Andreotti, former Italian Prime Minister.
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