Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Slaves of Darkness Phyle Report

August 6, 2004

House News: GJW Chapter 2 is scored. Chapter 3 has begun; it’s only ten days long, so let’s get moving!

Phyle News: Callus won the DC for participation in his first week in the db, Xhedias won the Crescent w/Topaz Star for Tetrarch Trivia. Xhedias scored 80% on the IRC Ops quiz….don’t give him ops, that would be really scary. The new August KMT’s are out! Scroll down and take a look.

Medals, Promotions, Transfers,& SA Courses:

1) Transfers

a) None

2) Promotions

a) None

3) Shadow Academy:

a) GRD Xhedias Forkall: IRC Ops

4) Medals

a) GRD Xhedias Forkall: Crescent w/Topaz Star

b) NOV Callus: Dark Cross

Current Competitions:

1) Great Jedi War: See and below for more details.

2) “A Tetrarch’s Trivia”: See for complete details. ALL ANSWERS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY AUGUST 13, 2004!!

3) August KMT: Red

The first letter of each line should spell out a word, phrase or sentence. The word spelt out should be appropriate to the topic and to your poem.

Submit to Alanna [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

4) August KMT: Saving the DB

Fiction, 2 pages, (may be some more, or a bit less), no double spacing. And don't use giant fonts :P

Submit to Tissie [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

5) CSK Run-ons: Check out For full details, and head to to post.

6) “The War on Potatoism”: See for full information

Upcoming Competitions:

1) ACC Ladder, Sponsored by Xhedias (Xhed, send me some more info and we’ll get everything started).

2) Post GJW fiction: ‘Vacation’ – What did you do immediately after the War? Relax? Get back to work? Kill some innocents for sport? Write about it.

Tenative Date: Whenever GJW ends

3) Phyle Website creation comp: Think you’ve got what it takes to make a great SoD web page? Prove it. More info will follow as details are sorted out. Tenative Date: Mid-August

4) Phyle Motto Competition: Whip up a sinister motto for our Phyle. Tenative Date: August 9-ish

A word from the member: Hey all! Xhedias here, Zadious was nice enough to let me write the Phyle report. Most of you are saying, ”What a nice guy! He let you do his work!” No really, I thank him for this chance to let me get more experience at writing reports. He was busy anyway and I asked if I could fill in for him, and sure enough! He said yes. So here I am writing this nice little report for all my Team Mates. Well yea, if anyone wants to further their ACC knowledge challenge me, and I will accept the challenge asap. (training hall)

A Note from the Tetrarch:

Not much to say this week… it’s been a pretty hectic seven days for me, hence my low presence of mind and body. I’ll be moving back to school by the time you all read this report, so consider me out of commission for a couple of days. Make sure to keep your activity up, and show everyone that CSK can kick it even when the odds are stacked against them!

On a quasi-related note, a great big THANK YOU goes out to Xhedias Forkall, because he took the time and the initiative to write a Phyle report in my stead. I owe you big time, bro.

Trivia Question:

1) In Columbus, Ohio, a particular food (not alcohol) cannot be sold on Sundays. What is it?

2) A bit of political trivia: Who is the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Green Party? Answered by Xhedias: Pat LaMarche

3) Music Trivia: What song is traditionally played at a commencement (graduation)? Give me both the title of the song and the composer.

4) Pop Culture: Kiefer Sutherland, the star of Fox’s 24, was recently in New Zealand doing something slightly scandalous. What did he do? Answered by Xhedias: Stripping

5) Music Trivia, Part II: The band Oasis hails from what town? Give the town and country.

Current SoD Members:

Krath Tetrarch Zadious


Krath Tyro Ty'ran Sinya Edykin


Krath Tyro Jeax Zirv

Dark Jedi Knight

Krath Tyro Koidyis Soilatus


Krath Tyro Cheanotai


Krath Tyro Xhedias Forkall


Krath Tyro Vayle Toresken


Krath Tyro shadoweye333


Krath Tyro Jeahesic Forkall


Krath Tyro Callus


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