Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

<title>PROCONSUL REPORT</title>

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8th of August 2004 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%">

| News | Achievements | Orders | Events | Proconsul's Comments | </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> </table> <table border="2" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="200" id="AutoNumber4" bordercolor="#800000"> <tr> <td width="100%"> <></td> </tr> </table>

  • Chapter Three of the Great Jedi War has begun!

    • Chapter Two results are out!
    • Chapter Two regrading ACC, JO, Allegiance, and Graphics events!

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  • Satal Keto came 1st in Chapter Two Run-On!

    • Jumble Mumble in Satal Keto Bumble competition over!

_Ziltopia came 1st

Vessicant & Gord came 2nd

Enahropes came 3rd_

  - The War on Potatoism competition is over!  

_Ziltopia came 1st

Warhunter came 2nd

Xhedias came 3rd_

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  • Crescent with Sapphire Star for **Gord Darkonian **of <font color="#808080">Clan Summit</font>!

    • Crescent with Emerald Star for Enahropes Teriad Entar of <font color="#800080">House Aleema</font>!
    • _Crescent with Amethyst Star _for Ziltopia of <font color="#800080">House Aleema</font>!
    • Crescent with Sapphire Star for Vessicant of <font color="#0000CC">House Kirleta</font>!
    • Cluster of Fire for Selket KuroHyo Entar of <font color="#808080">Clan Summit</font>!

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  • August KMTs:

    "How I single-handedly saved the DB and no one believed me"

    Fiction, 2 pages, (may be some more, or a bit less), no double spacing. And don't use giant fonts :P

    Submit to Tissie [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

    Poetry topic: Red

    The first letter of each line should spell out a word, phrase or sentence. The word spelt out should be appropriate to the topic and to your poem.

    Submit to Alanna [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

    Both are due by the 31st of August. Good luck!

    • Epic competition:

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<font color="#800080">House Aleema Report</font> : **

QUA -** **Done, **7th August

AED - **Done, **6th August

RM - Done, 6th August

<font color="#0000CC">House Kirleta Report</font> : **

QUA - Done, **7th August

AED - **Done, **6th August

RM - **Done, **6th August

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Great Jedi War

Chapter Three

CSK GJW Activity Record

   <font color="#808080">[CSK 
  Advancement Guide](</font>  

   <font color="#0000CC">Kirleta</font>:
  True Test of Skill](

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Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Chapter Three has begun! Whoohooooo!

  Chapter Three is pretty simple. There are only 3 non-Multiplaying events. 
  1 Fiction, 1 poetry, and 1 graphic. I expect everyone who is active to be 
  able to do them. They are not hard, and can be done easily. You don't have 
  to have the best work. With every submission, you get points for 
  participation. So even if your entry doesn't do well, you will still get 
  points :) And you name will be recorded on the list, so you can say, &quot;Hey, 
  i competed there! Look! My name! For the Entire Brotherhood to see! Yay!&quot;

Regarding the Multiplayer sections. You can simply get points for signing up! If you have the game (XWA, XvT, Allegiance, JK, JO, JA), then please sign up! If you get challenged, and cannot play because of something more important then you must inform your challenger of that reason.

  Getting points of anything, including participation, is very important!

Both of the Clan Competitions have ended. The results have been announced and medals for 1 competition have been awarded. Chapter Three is the main priority, so focus on that!

Now for another Chapter Three related topic; The Antei Combat Centre! Everyone, including Sith and Obelisk, can do this! It's not very hard at all. And guess what? This time you only have a 2+2 match. This means; you have 1 post, and then 1 death post. Very quick. If you are challenged in the ACC, after you sign up, you cannot reject the challenge. It's a 2+2 match, meaning it's going to be very quick and there's no proper reason to say "No". 1 post and then 1 death post is extremely short, and can be completed in 2 days!

  I would like to see every active member try for the ACC! :)

A note about promotions; I put a link to the Advancement Guide in the report so people will now always be able to view the guide (as long as they read my reports). Competing in something like the Great Jedi War is a 98% way to get promoted. It does, however, depend on what you do. If you only compete in 1 event for the entire GJW, then you won't get promoted. If you compete in EVERY EVENT for the GJW, then you'll most likely get promoted!

  Also remember, in some of the promotion advancement's you are required to 
  complete Exams. So make sure to get through some of them too.   

  This is one of the best times to get promoted! So take the opportunity!

"Whispers crawl beneath my skin, Laughter tortures my broken mind. Don't know why you break me in, Don't treat me like i'm blind"

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KAP Selket KuroHyo Entar (Krath)/PCON/Clan Satal Keto </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" bgcolor="#000030"> </td> </tr> </table> <-

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