Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Yay just another normal week for me! Nothing much happening that’s worth noting.

Phyle happenings and gossip!!

Yup, like I said, nothing happening. I hope everyone is busy writing up a little story, poem, or ACC post. Oh and I did get some history up on the website. Go check it out and give suggestions on anything else I could add to it. :)

Competition stuffs!!

Hey we didn’t do too bad in the last chapter. I guess Tarentum pulled out in front and now we’ve got to keep ourselves there. So get out there and at least grab some participation points!

Question of the week!

If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?

And now for this weeks moment of zen.

NOTICE: There’s a nasty illness going around the DB. Medical scientists are analyzing it as we speak but the threat is still very much there. Everyone is urged to weather things during this time and not shake hands with anyone. Seems the red goo on infected peoples hands enters the blood stream rather quickly. STOP.

You look down at your red hand and wonder just how sick you’ll become.

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