That's right....a new toy for the Message Board!
I've added the ability to use Avatars!
Of course, there's only one uploaded right now.
If you would like to have an avatar added for personal use, e-mail it to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
All Avatars must be .jpg and 64x64 pixels.
Oh -- and all those people that asked for MOD's coming...:) Been a bit busy if you hadn't nioticed..:)
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I suppose using the avatars from the EH MB's is out of the question.
I believe that will depend on the Avatar. Most off the EH MB are photographs of real people or scans from comic strips...all of which neither us, nor the EH own, so there will not be a problem with using them.
About the only ones that you may not want to try using, if for nothing more than to avoid a needless fight with somebody, are those that have been editted, like ones with the EH logo, or any type, or things like that.
I believe all the fighter craft the EH probably got from another SW MB, so I doubt there is a problem with most of them either.