Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Midnight Blade Sergeant's Report

Report ID: 03

Sergeant: GRD Warhunter

Greetings Midnight Blade,

Alright, to start off. I got piss-poor results for my email replies. only Xen and Canvus replied, the rest your lucky to still be here. I know Bane had reasons for no reply and im sorry to see him go rogue but Devil and Tigerius should have been able to. As it is Devil stays for his contact on IRC, Tigerius gets the blade me kills tigerius :p



-GJW Chapter 3 is almost done! GO AND SERVE YOUR CLAN!!! As well, this chapter has similar features to the last chapter expect for 1 then, We get to beat up a few of our allies and clanmates for points! :p I'm praying for one of the summits to get infected, will be fun bashing them. As well, you can now attack me lucky bastards :p

  • GJW Chapter 2 is graded. Congrats to all those who particpated.

Clan Satal Keto:

-"The War on Potatoism" Is done. congrats to me being the only one from Kirleta that did it :p

House Kirleta:

  • Our Summits have returned, we are no longer relying on Pug :P this is always good news :p

Battleteam Midnight Blade:

-Operation Primus Pulis is in effect. All members current orders are to engage in the GJW.

-New Midnight Blade Website being developed, if anyone knows of a decent hosting network let Warhunter know

-Sadly my first Comp had NO SUBMISSIONS!!! Maybe this was my fault for not broadcasting it enough. Though i expect another to come into effect after the Thrid Chapter of the GJW. I wish to see everyone submitting for it. Remember all members below DJK, you need BT comps for promotions.

-Vessicant has been looking for a few recruiters for some time now. I want 1 person to be the offical Midnight Blade recruiter. All recruits you recieve will go directly to our BT, and help us out greatly. Email Warhunter if interested, CC Vessicant as well. This position will help you greatly if you are attempting to get to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.

-I am beginning development on a few JK/JO levels and missions. Parties interested in helping should email me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). I need story/level ideas,

game testers, edittors, and anything you think might help.



-Bane plending rogue

-Tigerius being moved rogue

-Waza has transfered to BT Eternal Plague to take the Sgt position.


-me! crescent :p




-Chapter 3 of the GJW!!! Go kill the infected and enemies of our Clan!

-Silent's True Test of Skill

Specifics: You think your good? How good are you? Good enough to make a fool out of me? In what you may ask? JK? JO? JA? So here is the deal You beat me in anyone of of these game you get a medal...so wait whats the trick well here i go. JK- YOu have to kill me with a land mine JO- any DFA move JA- with a double bladed lightsaber Each game is played to 5 points you can ethier e-mail me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or catch me on the IRC for a match setup. Start Date: 7/4/2004 End Date: 9/4/2004 Unit in Competition: House Kirleta Other: Aleema may compete as well Platforms: JK, JO, and JA Awards: Fourth Level Crescents Comments: Beat me to win...its a true test of skill

Thats it for this week's report. Everyone go kill some Kraths or take out your rage in the GJW.

attle Team Roster: 7 Members

Name Email Rank

Obelisk Sergeant WarHunter [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Obelisk Trooper TBA

Obelisk Trooper Xen' Culo Harzirto [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Protector

Obelisk Trooper mariusbob [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Obelisk Trooper DeViL [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte

Obelisk Trooper Slit_Canvas [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Novice

Obelisk Trooper Tigerius [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Novice

Obelisk Trooper Bane [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Templar

GRD WarHunter (Obelisk)/SGT/Kirleta of Satal Keto [ACC: SKR



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