Well time for my second report I guess. One of my main duties if I recall is to make sure that people are active, which I havent been doing a good job at. But as I've been offered SGT position again, if I take the job than I'll have to really push as both jobs say to make sure people are active so here we go. Pretty much the main thing to be discussed is GJW.
First off, activity in GJW has been downright sad. I understand you are tired of competitions as we've had a lot of them recently Obelisk RoS, Capital Gains, Sith War, Independence Games and now the GJW, but that's no excuse for not doing anything. Now I understand some of you are busy, but just look at the rest of us who have been active. I've been getting ready for school, had relatives over (for a whole stinking week) and I start school in 3 days, and I'm still doing what I can for EK, Mune has had a lot of stuff going on IRL recently and he's doing what he can, I dont see why the rest of you cant pitch in for maybe 15 minutes a day to help out.
Out of 42, I know 9 for sure that have been active in this, which is pretty pathetic. By this point, if you've kept up with the GJW you've been infected which means you can only attack those of us uninfected in EK, and our allies. So if you have JK and you're infected, challenge me and kick my butt for dragging you out of your relaxed state, and aside from the pleasure of kicking the crap outta me, you can get medals for this too, what a plus. With that said I hope to see more of you active in the next chapter and maybe EK will come out in the top 4 again.
And with those words, my report is done, thanks for taking the time to read it.
Until next time,
JH DT Titanos, RM and FL of House Ziost
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