Eclectic Pedagogs Needed
Due to the departure of two SA staff members, I need two replacement Eclectic Pedagogs. Both positions are not very demanding currently.
EPs are needed for <font color="#FFFFFF">Leadership Studies</font> and <font color="#FFFFFF">Obelisk CORE</font>.
For <font color="#FFFFFF">Leadership Studies</font>, it is suggested that you have proven yourself as a leader, taken the exam, and have a very good response time. All exams should be graded within roughly 24-48 hours. You will also be expected to take the initiative to improve your course by rewriting course material, or adjusting the test to increase the overall learning experience.
For <font color="#FFFFFF">Obelisk CORE</font>, the requirements are the same, except there is less emphasis on leadership and more emphasis on having a good understanding of the Obelisk Order.
You will be required to grade exams reasonably quickly through the use of the Shadow Academy database and add comments to ALL tests which you grade to help give constructive feedback.
If you feel you are qualified, explain why you are qualified for this exact position via email. Myself and KE Kaiann will decide who gets the job. Realize that "proven ability to create XWA battles" is not a qualification for these positions. Don't list qualifications that bear no relevance to the O:CORE and G:LS Eclectic Pedagog positions. Also "Ya, I can do that! I'm qualified!" is not expressing how or why you are qualified for the job.
E-mail Pyralis and Kaiann at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]; [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject "EP." The appointments will be made within the next two days. Good luck to all! :D
--SWL Pyralis--
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Can't you stick with simpler names that people can actually remember? :P
Thats a pretty cool name, I think. By the way, thats a wicked looking banner thingy :P
It's not that cool :P
I know this has probably been asked before but what exactly is an eclectic pedagog?
Pyralis changed 'Course Teacher' (self-explanatory) to 'Eclectic Pedagog' (sounds like a bad veterinary procedure :P).
Dunno who told him I quit grading my course...
Probably because you're going to the other DB and not sticking with us Mage. Seems rational to me.
Interesting titles...sounds like a College Professor on Crack lol....
Woo for Eclectic Pedagogues!
EPs = Green M&Ms.
I'm sure somebody knows what I'm talking about.
And Woo for Rein banners, but note this is said with only a period and not an exclamation mark. The capital "w" stands.
For the record, Rein provided the cool pic of that dark evil guy. I did the rest - but with some heavy counseling with Rein. Needless to say, I am graphics illiterate. >:P