Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Been an uneventful week for me.

Phyle happenings and gossip!!

Shimas got promoted again! He’s been doing such a great job in the GJW and that’s not gone unnoticed. Keep up the good work Guardian Shimas.

Kidouses took a Star of Antei for all his participation in the second chapter of the GJW. That makes three StA’s for Kidouses now. Great job Kudos!

Hey I got one of those Star of Antei’s as well for my participation.

Competition stuffs!!

Well we are now waiting for the next chapter of the GJW to begin. Looks like all the ACC battles were judged so we should be hearing about the results of the last chapter. I heard the next chapter has is like all SP missions and I know we can all kick some butt with those. I expect everyone to put forth the effort and bring the win to Tarentum.

Question of the week!

If a cow laughed, would milk come out of her nose?

And now for this weeks moment of zen.

You can now tell the infected Dark Jedi from the clean ones. Besides the overwhelming urge they have to kill everyone in sight they also have one thing that stands out. That big black hair on their left hand. Yes it’s an ugly thing, thick and oily, totally disgusting. It doesn’t allow for gloves to be put on that particular hand and if you saw it, you’d know why. It must hurt to even touch the hair let alone put a tight fitting glove over it. Doesn’t matter of the species doesn’t have hair; there is that one big black hair on the left hand. Strange but good to know should you come across an infected Dark Jedi.

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