<title>TET Report</title> <style> <!-- div.Section1
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<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" id="AutoNumber1" width="447" bordercolorlight="#FFCC00" bordercolordark="#FFCC00" style="border:1px solid #FFCC00; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%; border-collapse:collapse; padding-left:4; padding-right:4; padding-top:1; padding-bottom:1" height="334" bordercolor="#111111"> <tr> <td width="445" bgcolor="#000000" height="85" valign="top">
](http://www.darkjedicrypt.com "Dark Jedi Crypt")
(#8) ** Loreseekers TET Report: 26 August 2004 ** </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="445" align="justify" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt" height="215" valign="top">
Greetings: "And now... the fake news..."
Ding! Ding! Ding! And the award for the most worthless Phyle member goes to... <drum roll> Holy Cow! Its a tie!!!!
In their drive to officially become the biggest wastes of time in the entirety of the Phyle, the following individuals have truly excelled at being completely worthless...
GRD Haste black
ACO Qowl'Ra
NOV Krug Gyorn
NOV Neffalas Voluptuosus
Congratulations gentlemen!!! You have succeeded in being a disgrace to yourselves, your Phyle and your Clan - great job!!
Unfortunately, there isn't a Medal for it - /\/00|)93 :P
Phyle site: http://www.darkjedicrypt.com/loreseekers/index.asp
Activity Report
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%" id="AutoNumber2">
<td width="8%">_**Rank**_</td>
<td width="29%">_**Name**_</td>
<td width="35%">_**Activity**_</td>
<td width="13%" align="center">_**Contact**_</td>
<td width="8%">KP</td>
<td width="29%">Page Meridian</td>
<td width="35%">None</td>
<td width="13%" align="center">Yes</td>
<td width="8%">GRD</td>
<td width="29%">Haste Black</td>
<td width="35%">None</td>
<td width="13%" align="center">No</td>
<td width="8%">ACO</td>
<td width="29%">Qowl'Ra</td>
<td width="35%">None</td>
<td width="13%" align="center">No</td>
<td width="8%">NOV</td>
<td width="29%">Krug Gyorn</td>
<td width="35%">None</td>
<td width="13%" align="center">No</td>
<td width="8%">NOV</td>
<td width="29%">Neffalas Voluptuosus</td>
<td width="35%">None</td>
<td width="13%" align="center">No</td>
<td width="8%">ACO</td>
<td width="29%">Leto Atreides II</td>
<td width="35%">None</td>
<td width="13%" align="center">Yes</td>
In case you were wondering, here's the GJW URL: http://gjw.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
That's about it this week. Until next time...
</tr> </table>
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