House Marka Ragnos Quaestor Report III
House News:
All right. I decided to scrap the second battle team. It seemed superfluous, considering how we don't have enough members just yet to justify it. I'd rather have one strong team rather than two little half-active ones. Why'd I pick the NightHawks to survive? Two reasons. both of them personal preference. I didn't like the name/motto, and I used to be NightHawks Tetrarch. If you were really attached for some reason to the Avatars, let me know, and start recruiting. You'll all notice i did not delete the team. so, if you cats can get enough people to sign up to justify reopening it, all the better.
I want to put out a MP comp, but it occurred to me that i don't know what platforms anyone owns and or plays. So, I want you all to just jot these down and fire off an email to Manji or myself. Make getting you cats medals all the much easier.
Great Jedi War between phases. Imagine that.
Clan News:
All seems pretty quiet on that front. Tissaya resigned from her GMRG position and was replaced by Canabisia... someone from some other clan.
Standard Stuff:
Promotions: nil.
Decorations: Kali was awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star for her rocking on Manji's So how's life comp.
Graduations: nil
Deaths: nil
Competitions: Breathe Life II is on.
CSP-CNS caption comp rocks here:
Testing your Limits comp over, results soon!
Manji's Weapons of Mass description comp is here.
Other than the battle team shift, it's been a quiet week, really. As to be expected between chapters of the GJW. I need to get internet access at my new house so i can get on IRC, and talk to some of you people.
The Beatings will continue until morale improves!
KP Muz Ashen(Krath)/QUA/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
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