It has all the latest Krathly announcements/news, a list of current competitions, an archive with the winning entries from past comps, and we're building up data on the different clans. It's a good place to go for a quick summary of current Krathy-activities.
If anyone has something they'd like added to, please e-mail myself and DS.
The Epic comps has closed - we'll grade it asap once I've finished the GJW grading.
I've decided to change the name of the KMTs. From here-on in, they will be simply 'Monthly Topics'. When they first got opened to all orders, I retained the name for tradition's sake, but with the DB emphasising participation for all, I think it's time to make it clear that Obbies and Sith can enter too. I still expect it to be mainly Krath who do enter tho ;o)
If anyone has a better idea for a name than just 'MT', e-mail me. I thought about FMT for Fictional Monthly Topics, but it doesn't really work. If someone can suggest anything better that we actually decide to use, I'll give you a medal in return.
"How I single-handedly saved the DB and no one believed me"
Fiction, 2 pages, (may be some more, or a bit less), no double spacing. And don't use giant fonts :P
Submit to Tissie [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]
Poetry topic: Red
The first letter of each line should spell out a word, phrase or sentence. The word spelt out should be appropriate to the topic and to your poem.
Submit to Alanna [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]
Both are due by the end of August. Good luck!
~ Alanna
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