Other than the GJW not much has been going on. I busted my ass in Chapter 3 to do the best I could, so I hope that will help the clan a lot. I've been on IRC a lot and have seen a fair amount of new members there as well, which I like to see. :) If you're interested in getting on IRC and need help then send me an email at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and I'll be happy to help. My birthday is in a week and two days and I'll be 22, so be sure to get me a cool present. :P Now on to the report.
As usual this is the important thing "going on." Hopefully Chapter 4 will start soon and we can finish up the GJW in first place! I hope to see even better participation than the previous chapters to pull off a grand win. You can be sure that we'll let you know as soon as Chapter 4 starts, but until then just read up on the GJW story if you so desire. The Chapter 3 ending was posted, so you may want to read that. Here's the link if you don't have it already:
Well since the last report I've done about nothing on this project. My wedding in June and the GJW on either side of that have taken up most of my time. Once the GJW is done, then I'm going to get back on this project with full force. Expect lots from this when I do.
As with the Taldryan Site Overhaul this was put on hold for other things. I'll be getting to it soon I hope. I finished my character history and will be tweaking some other things about my character soon, so hopefully I can get a good amount of info up for my office.
Shadonyx has expressed interest in moving the Ektrosis site to Taldryan webspace, which will enable Ektrosis to work off of the Taldryan database. For now I'll be using the current site design, but I plan on doing a new design in the future. Then, you can enjoy pretty graphics or something. :P
After reading the "What bugs you?" message board topic, a comment of Betja's sparked an idea in my mind. I'm not going to say much about it really. However, be prepared for a fun run-on competition between the houses. We'll see for sure who the better house is for run-ons when it's all over. :P So get your run-on skills up to par!
Kir and I are working on some other projects which will be announced at a later time, as always. :P Expect cool stuff after the GJW!
That should do it for this report. I'm ready for the GJW to finish up, so I can get back to work on all the cool projects that are piling up! Have fun everyone. :)
OPM Pimp Sharad Taldrya Hett (Obelisk)/P:OHC-PCON/Clan Taldryan [ACC: WAR]/SB/GCx4/(SC-SoP)/(StA-LS)/DC-KC/(GNAg)/(SN)/(BNAg)/Cr-4D-2R-5A-3S-1T/CF-BlF-RF-GF/(LSP)/DSS/SoLx2 {SA: G:LS-O:CORE}
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